See what a great time Parkrose Business Association members had at their annual Holiday Party while they raised money for their causes. And, meet their award winners and new board …
Introducing the 2007 PBA Board of Directors: Wayne Stoll, immediate past President, Argay Square; Kyle Zieglar, Director, Castle Gate Realty, Inc.; Amy Salvador, Director, Rossi Farms; (behind Amy) Michael Taylor, Director, Parkrose Public Schools; Jon Turino, VP/Director, Farmer’s Insurance; Mary Brown, Secretary, Bob Brown Tire Center; Mark Eves, 2007 President, Eves & Wade, LLP; Marsha Lee, Treasurer, Copy Express Printing & Graphic Design; David Ableidinger, Director, Parkrose Hardware; Gail Bash, Director, Jackpot; Candy Bafus, Director, West Coast Bank; and, Terry Brier, Director, Davey Organicare.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
The business folks in Parkrose work hard to raise money for scholarships and other worthy causes during the year. But, come December, they LOVE to party!
The banquet room at Steamer’s Restaurant was packed, wall-to-wall, with merrymakers on December 7 for the annual Parkrose Business Association holiday event.
The evening started and ended with a silent auction to benefit the association’s work.
There was a skit loaded with inside jokes, as “The Official President” (aka Gail Bash) and several PBA members presented a hilarious parody.
Even St. Nick made a surprise appearance. He gifted many folks with “Fresh Reindeer Nuggets” that looked suspiciously like dried prunes; and, a little something to help out the next morning. “They’re Sani-licious,” said Santa.
What else happened? Well, see the fun and festivities yourself, depicted in these photos:
Members and guests of the Parkrose Business Association enjoyed a festal board of gourmet taste and proportion prepared by Chef Edgar and presented by Hostess Eileen Stocker at Steamer’s Restaurant and Lounge.
The Parkrose High Debutants entertained with traditional and unique Christmas carols and holiday songs at the event.
Incoming president Mark Eves presents the President’s Gavel to his predecessor, recognizing the service of outgoing PBA president Wayne Stoll.
The Carl Lind Award ‚Äì is given to recognize an individual who lives and works in the community and provides volunteer service, demonstrates integrity and honesty, and is known for professionalism in business. Gail Bash (left) was this year’s recipient, seen here being honored by past president Goron Boorse.
Artie Johnson Award – is bestowed on a PBA member who has demonstrated faith, generosity, integrity, and care for others. This year, the award went to Mary Brown; Gail Bash makes the presentation.
President’s Pinnacle Award — an award created by outgoing PBA President Wayne Stoll — was given to the group’s treasurer (and Cruise-In “spark plug“), Marsha Lee.
Additional President’s Awards went to Alison Stoll, Gordon Boorse and Amy Salvador.
Meet them on January 18
If you have a business, or would like to do business in the greater Parkrose area, come this great group of folks at the next PBA meeting, and hear outgoing President Wayne Stoll deliver “The State of the PBA” meeting. Networking starts at 11:30 a.m., at the place at which you’ll get the best business lunch at town ‚Äì Steamers Restaurant and Lounge, 8030 NE Sandy Blvd. (east of NE 82nd Ave.); NO reservations required. Info:
© 2006 David F. Ashton ~ East PDX News
This year, our Police Cadets did more than load food boxes into volunteer drivers’ cars on Sunshine Delivery day ‚Ķ
Taking a moment to pose for a “team photo”, Portland Police East Precinct Cadets get ready to load Sunshine Division food packages into volunteer drivers’ vehicles.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
The date – December 16th. And all across Portland, police precinct stations are abuzz with activity early on a cold Saturday morning. This is the day volunteers take food boxes, prepared by the Sunshine Division, to families in need.
East Precinct Police Cadets stand ready to load the volunteers’ vehicles as the garage doors open.
We take a look outside, expecting to see volunteer drivers lined up for blocks. But, only a handful of vehicles are in the cue. “This isn’t good,” says NRT Officer Michael Gallagher, the Cadet program leader. “Maybe the prediction for possible freezing rain is keeping the drivers at home,” he suggests.
Portland Police Bureau’s East Precinct Commander Michael Crebs helps load up volunteer driver Howard Johns’ truck. “It’s my sixth year,” Johns says. “It’s just a good thing to do this time of year.”
As the stream of volunteer drivers turns into a trickle, Commander Crebs wheels his car into the loading bay, takes delivery sheets, and the Cadets pack every nook and cranny of his vehicle with deliveries.
Cadets form a box brigade line to load every vehicle, including their equipment trailer, with food boxes they’ll deliver.
Determined to make their East Portland deliveries, Cadets round up and load all available cars, trucks and vans. Their spirit of teamwork shows as they pack their vehicles high with food boxes.
Police Cadets Kenny Bossen and Daniel Abbott finish loading a van with food packages they’ll delver to East Portland’s needy.
As quickly as possible, the Cadets deliver these food boxes. They return, reload, and head out again. “We’ll keep going until we’ve made all the deliveries,” Gallagher said.
Because of the volunteer efforts of the Cadets, many people in East Portland had a brighter holiday, indeed.
© 2006 David F. Ashton ~ East PDX News
This outer East Portland company is known, world wide, for innovating the “multi-tool”. Look at this, and see the soft side of these hardware folks ‚Ķ
Leatherman Tool Group volunteer employees Sunnie Espinoza, Dorothy Brady, LaVerta Eblen, Ina Ward, Richard Ward (in back) Beth Sullivan and Mike Jones gather just before they distribute gifts to needy families.
Story and photo by David F. Ashton
It seems that people who invented and make the world’s best “tool chest in your pocket” multi-tool, aren’t just about hardware.
We learned the employees of Leatherman Tool Group, located east of the airport, have a soft spot for people in need.
Helping for a dozen years
“For 12 years, we’ve helped families in need,” explained sales specialist LaVerta Eblen. “This year, we ‘adopted’ three families.”
Eblen said they work with the Salvation Army. “They gave us information about three families in need. Through them, we learn their needs and wishes.”
With this “shopping list” in hand, company volunteers break down the list into a series of tags. Then, many of the 380 Leatherman employees anonymously participate by taking a tag or two, buying gifts, wrapping them, and putting them under the company’s Christmas tree.
“We give each family two to three weeks of food. Each person in the household gets several gifts. And, we fill huge stockings with gifts and goodies for each child,” Eblen told us, as volunteers prepared to deliver the packages on December 16.
In addition, Eblen said Leatherman that shops for, and provides, a complete holiday dinner, with all the trimmings, for each of the families.
Why do they do it?
“It unites us as a company,” Eblen replied.
© 2006 David F. Ashton ~ East PDX News
By the way, East Portland News Service was the ONLY
medium to put out the correct information on this story!
When you see the photos of the wreckage,
you’ll wonder how no one was killed.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
The woman finishes scribbling a note, and stands, looking anxious, by the yellow police-line tape which cordons off the accident scene at SE 12th Ave. and Division St. on Friday, December 22.
“They say the driver of the blue car ran a yellow light. They’re wrong. I just want to get the injured driver my name and phone number. I’m a witness,” Judy O’Neill tells us, as we prowl the scene to report on the accident. We call over a Portland Police Officer; he takes the note to the victim, as she’s being loaded into the ambulance.
This victim was heading north on SE 12th Ave. when a TriMet bus blew through a red light heading north on Divison St., an eyewitness says.
We see a line of crumpled vehicles which, moments before, were headed west on SE Division St. TriMet officials, Portland Police Bureau Accident Investigators, and medical personnel swarm the scene.
Eyewitness to bizarre smash-up
Asked if she saw it happen, O’Neill tells us she had a front-row seat to the terrifying collision.
“I was going west on SE Division St., the first in line when the light turned yellow, so I stopped, letting people turn left [from eastbound Division to northbound 12th Ave.]. I was waiting to turn right [north] on SE 12th Avenue. The light had just turned red.”
Just before O’Neill made her turn, she says she hesitated when she saw a blue car come north on SE 12th Ave., crossing Division St. on a green light.
“The bus just started going east on Division,” O’Neill states. “He’d been stopped picking people up. He went into the intersection, even though he had the red light. When the blue car entered the intersection and the bus hit the car.”
When the bus then lurched toward her car, O’Neill says she turned north on 12th Ave. to get out of the way.”
“I looked and saw the bus continue hitting car after car after car — not slowing down. Then it headed across the street, and took out the power pole, and came to a stop in the yard.”
The hot dog vendor at SE 12th Ave. and Division St. said he was surprised the bus didn’t slow down while smashing into vehicles ‚Äì until it was stopped by the utility pole. Look at the tire marks on the pavement!
Witness calls it a “surreal situation”
Matthew Breault owns and operates a vending cart, “Hot Dog Ernie’s”, at the intersection. Breault says he witnessed the smash-up looking eastward along SE Division St. from the NW corner of 12th Ave.
“The first thing I heard was a crash,” Breault tells us. “I looked up and saw the bike rack had fallen down on the front of the bus and was bouncing. In the intersection, the bus started drifting left [north] and hit a lot of [westbound] cars stopped, waiting at the red light.”
The TriMet bus hit the vehicles with such force, Breault added, it pushed and turned each of them several feet.
“What was odd was that the bus didn’t slow down,” continues Breault. You could hear the roar of the engine. It wasn’t speeding up. It sounded like something was wrong, like the bus driver’s foot was stuck, or had some kind of problem. The way it just kept going ‚Äì it was surreal, very surreal.”
Although at least drivers are left with heaps of twisted metal which moments before had been vehicles, only one person was sent to the hospital by ambulance.
Police and TriMet officials say “Under Investigation”
On scene, TriMet’s Peggy Hanson confirms a Route #4 TriMet bus was eastbound on Division St. and the twenty to thirty passengers on that bus weren’t seriously inured.
“Our [bus] driver is fine, and waiting to be interviewed,” Hanson says.
Some media outlets quoted TriMet’s spokesperson, Bruce Solberg, as saying the light was green for the bus, and that the blue car ran the red light and hit the bus.
We called Solberg to verify the reported statement, and he told us, “There are conflicting reports regarding who had the green light. We do have video on the bus, and a satellite system that will give us a lot of data. What would be most accurate to say now is that this incident is still under investigation.”
Police officials say it take some time to collect all the facts and that this accident is under investigation.
© 2006 David F. Ashton ~ East PDX News
He claims that music truly is the “universal language” ‚Äì see how Rich Glauber uses jokes and songs to tempt kids into the library ‚Ķ
Using the magic of music to make friends with kids, Rich Glauber brings his program to Sellwood Branch Library as part of its Fall Programs schedule.
Story and photo by David F. Ashton
Portland-area musician Rich Glauber travels the globe as a performer. Recently, he has appeared in Costa Rica, Israel, and Spain.
So, what was this classically-trained musician doing – first sitting on the floor, then dancing around the meeting room – at the Sellwood Branch Library on November 4?
“I’m doing my favorite thing,” Glauber told us, “sharing the wonder and delight of music with kids.”
Early in the program, some parents acted concerned when their little ones started sitting closer and closer to the musician. “It’s OK, we’re all having fun today,” Glauber said as he started into his next song.
It wasn’t long until both children and parents fell under Glauber’s spell.
Because he brought a large number of percussion instruments, soon listeners became performers as he played and sang original songs.
Glauber wasn’t sitting on the floor for very long. Soon, playing his Tango Accordion, he was more like the “Pied Piper”, leading both kids and adults around while they sang and did an eclectic dance.
Says libraries are ‘positive energy places’
As Glauber was getting ready for his show, we asked him why he liked performing in, of all places, libraries.
“The library is one of the last bastions of positive energy in the community. It is a place where the arts can live.” With funding problems, he added, it is difficult for schools to bring in special music programs.
“Look at these kids,” Glauber beamed. “From toddlers to young teenagers, parents and grandparents, they’re all here to enjoy the program. I look to put out positive energy into this positive place.”
At other locations, we’ve seen Glauber put on his energetic program. But, does he get anything back from his young audiences?
“Absolutely! I get energy from all these smiles I see here today. I totally get back more good energy than I give. People are moving and having fun. It is a small room, but we’ll all be moving and having fun. As you saw, we get the parents moving, too. The kids see the parents get involved, and it turns them on to participate, too!”
When he’s not trekking around the globe, Glauber shares his “Music in Action” around the Pacific Northwest area.
For more information about Glauber, see
© 2006 David F. Ashton ~ East PDX News
Learn why cops say meth addicts keep them busy busting crime; get an update on how cops are battling sex-on-the-street prostitution; and discover “common sense” ways you can protect yourself ‚Ķ
East Precinct Commander Michael Crebs, SE Crime Prevention Specialist Katherine Anderson and SE Precinct Commander Derrick Foxworth lead off Public Safety Forum at Vestal School.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
People interested in getting the real facts about crime in Southeast Portland got to learn the real truth at a Public Safety Forum held at Vestal School on SE 82nd Avenue of Roses.
Commander Derrick Foxworth gives a statistical review of crime in SE Portland.
After introductions, SE Precinct Commander Derrick Foxworth started off by telling the audience of about 40 individuals that, overall, crime was declining slightly.
“But we still fight crime every day,” Fosworth said. “Property crime and identify theft are the most prevalent crimes. In terms of dollar losses, it’s a huge problem. We need to apply more resources to it. We have two officers working full time in SE Precinct on identity theft issues.”
NTR’s crime-fighting role
A specialized group of officers, called the Neighborhood Response Team (NRT), work to resolve chronic neighborhood problems, explained NRT Officer Brendan McGuire.
Officer Brendan McGuire explains how NRT members improve neighborhood quality of life.
“We partner with Office of Neighborhood Involvement’s Crime Prevention Specialists and city agencies to work on problems,” McGuire said. “NRT officers have the time to work on issues like drug houses, problem liquor establishments, and dance clubs with noise issues, as well as work on relationships with the transient communities.”
Regarding property crime, McGuire told the group that, in the vast majority of violent crimes, the victim and the offender know each other. “Property crimes are more randomized. A whole community can be affected by offenders who don’t have any ties the neighborhood.”
An example of a recent success, McGuire went on, was solving a string of more than 30 burglaries in the Sellwood area. “NRT Officer Heidi Helwig, through the combined efforts of several agencies, found the perpetrators came from transient camps along Johnson Creek.”
Meth fuels SE Crime
Typically, when we find someone doing property crimes, they are also doing drugs,” began SE Precinct Detective Dan Andrew. “And that drug is usually methamphetamine.”
SE Precinct Detective Dan Andrew links crime in inners SE Portland to meth use.
Andrew said a meth addict has “more energy than three normal people. And, all that energy is directed toward finding ways to buy more meth.”
While some criminal gangs will rent a truck and clean out an entire house, the detective said most crimes are cat burglaries. “They’re very bold. They’ll sneak in a doggie door; find an unlocked door or window. Inside, they’ll take a wallet on the counter or grab a computer bag.” If they find credit cards, he added, they’ll run to the nearest store and buy merchandise or draw out cash.
Gambling tied to drug use
While the crook’s ‘main urge in life’ is to commit property crime to fuel their drug habit, Andrew continued, they’ll also commit burglary, fraud, theft and car prowls to support their gambling problems. “We’re seeing a growing number of drug users who are also avid gamblers.”
Crook’s shopping list
According to the detective, jewelry is the most popular stolen item.
“Next are laptop computers, I-Pods, Palm Pilots, and cell phones ‚Äì they’re small, popular, and easily sold for cash. They’re always on the lookout for checkbooks, wallets, or anything that might contain a credit card.”
Common sense protection
Andrew gave attendees several “common-sense” ways to protect themselves which he also asked us to share ‚Äì especially related to laptops and small electronics.
“Many people have their entire lives, including banking information, on their laptop or Palm Pilot. At home, take a moment to slide your laptop where it can’t be seen. Don’t leave your laptop or small electronic item, in your car. In fact, don’t leave anything that LOOKS like it could be of value in your vehicle.”
Far too often, Andrew reported, people at Reed College set down their laptop or other device to buy a cup of coffee. “Even though it may only take a moment, when they look back ‚Äì it’s gone!”
“Keep a list of serial numbers for your expensive portable gear,” advised Andrew. “We can’t prosecute a case, nor return items, without positive identification.”
The detective advised against giving out one’s Social Security number. “No one needs a child’s Social Security. Don’t give it doctors, dentists, or other service providers. Too often, when the information is discarded, a ‘tweeker’ is waiting to get it.”
Form a Neighborhood Watch group: “When you see individuals riding their bikes in the dark, or wandering slowly through the neighborhood wearing a backpack, they are probably up to no good. When citizens work with their police–crime, and the fear of crime goes down, and livability goes up.”
Prostitution not going down along 82nd Ave.
Because 82nd Ave. of Roses acts as a dividing line between Southeast and East Precincts, officers from both areas are continuing their ongoing battle against street prostitution there.
Reporting on prostitution trends is Officer Jeff Kaer.
According to information presented by Officer Jeff Kaer, a disturbing trend they’re seeing is younger females being prostituted. “We find girls as young as 14 years of age working the street.”
Drugs and gangs fueling street sex
Other troubling trends include finding more drugs and weapons during their missions. “More and more, we see prostitution being a gang enterprise,” Kaer revealed.
“We’re running into more gang members who use young girls to make them money. They are violent people, watching their girls work.” He added that the gang members don’t appear to be protecting the girls; instead, they’re protecting their illegal business.
Kaer made it clear that prostitution is not a victimless crime. “In addition to the drugs, gang involvement and violence, there are neighborhood livability issues. We continue to see used condoms and needles littering lawns and curbs on side streets within a couple of blocks of 82nd.”
Missions attempt to reduce street sex for sale
The officer told the group that police missions target customers, “johns”, as well as prostituted women.
“When we make arrests,” Kaer continued, “we make a Prostitution-free Zone exclusion. It takes time for the exclusion to go through the system to become activated.”
Their missions, he said, run for about two weeks. “A lot of the prostitution disappears. Then, we wait for the exclusions to take effect so that they are enforceable.”
In a recent mission, about 30 prostitutes were arrested. And, with female officers acting as decoys, they also arrested 54 “johns” in one week ‚Äì with 41 vehicles seized for forfeiture.
“When we can make an exclusion stick,” Kaer said, “out of 80 arrests, only seven were re-arrested.”
Help for prostitutes
Sadly, the officer commented, very few prostitutes will turn in their pimp, or try to escape the business. “We’ve taken some underage girls into protective custody, but their pimp’s hold is very strong.”
© 2006 David F. Ashton ~ East PDX News
Shoppers looking for great Christmas gifts found great buys at this annual event. See the story of a family, at the bazaar, who sell gifts they make entirely within their own East Portland home …
Peggy Zeller sells her holiday decorations at the annual David Douglas Holiday Bazaar.
Story and photo by David F. Ashton
More than 100 tables of gifts filled David Douglas High School on December 2, as the 10th Annual PTSA Holiday Bazaar got underway.
One of the largest bazaars in outer East Portland, it featured local crafts, decoration, baked goods ‚Äì and a new section they called “100% DDHS”, showcasing the artistic talents of David Douglas Students.
Terri Jones sells professional, yet completely home-made, ceramic decorations at the DDHS Bazaar.
Crafty family business
One of the many 87 vendors we met was Terri Jones and her family.
“This is my first year here,” Jones said. “This craftwork lets me stay home with my son ‚Äì and still make some extra money.”
The business is a family affair. The entire production process is done right in their home. Instead of painting cheap, imported greenware, her husband, Wayne, casts every piece from liquid clay. “We have nearly 2,000 molds,” she says.
Artistic family Terri Jones with Nathan, and husband Wayne.
When it is ready, she paints and fires the ceramics. “My living room is our ‘paint station’ this time of year,” she added.
Look for Jones’ ceramics also at the Gresham Farmer’s Market, or contact them at
Fund raising while community building
We met up with Karin Britton, president of the DDHS PTSA and chair of the decade-old event.
“As important as the funds it brings in,” Britton told us, “it also helps draw the community together. It gives us an opportunity to share crafts, companionship.”
But, the fundraising component is important, she adds. “Our event helps raise money for scholarships for our graduating seniors. We also widen it to include the entire school. Our goal is to make this a broader project.”
If you missed it, why not mark your 2007 calendar right now? Just jot down DDHS Bazaar on the first Saturday in December!
© 2006 David F. Ashton ~ East PDX News
See alumnus Michael Allen Harrison’s personality and talent warm the Parkrose High auditorium as he comes “Back Home” ‚Ķ
Not often do school kids get to sing with an international recording star; Michael Allen Harrison seemed genuinely pleased to lead the Parkrose students in song.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Many families and students began their holiday season enjoying the genius and flair of award-winning Michael Allen Harrison in December.
The Parkrose High Theater was bedecked with simple-yet-elegant trim, adding a picture-postcard look to the event.
This, the fourth such annual event, featured performances by Parkrose High School A Cappella Choir, and the elementary school choirs from Prescott School and Russell Academy.
First, the choirs presented both traditional and modern Christmas songs.
Playing one of the Christmas arrangements that has made him an internationally renowned recording artist, Michael Allen Harrison entertains in the Parkrose High Theater.
Then, as Michael Allen Harrison walked out to sit at the grand piano, the audience broke into a thunderous applause. He played medleys of his original songs, show tunes, and holiday favorites.
We have a winner! This audience member correctly “named those tunes”.
After his “Show Tunes” medley, Harrison held an impromptu “quiz”, awarding an audience member with a CD for correctly naming both the tunes and shows.
As the combined choirs came back to the stage, Harrison talked with the audience, gave away more of his CD recordings. His relaxed, upbeat interaction with the audience was warm and engaging.
The combined choirs sing Silent Night.
Under Harrison’s direction, the choirs sang the Christmas song “Silent Night”. He asked the students to hum during the fourth verse, in honor of his friend, “musical saw” virtuoso, Allan deLay. Harrison reminded everyone how deLay, who passed away this year, had given much to Parkrose students over the year.
Proceeds from the program will be used help further develop the award-winning PHS choral program.
Talking with the audience, Harrison demonstrates his abilities as a skilled raconteur, in addition to being a consummate musician.
A moment with Michael
We spoke with Harrison backstage, and asked him why he comes back to Parkrose High to perform with kids.
“This is where I grew up. I love Parkrose. Anytime they ask me to come, I raise my hand and say, ‘Yes, of course.’
“There are all sorts of special feelings you get from different venues. But nothing compares to the feeling of being in the place where you grew up.
“The connection I feel here is so strong–both to those I’ve known in the past, and the young students here now. They embrace me and make me feel welcome. They make me feel like I’m still their neighbor and friend. When I come here, I’m truly home again.”
For more information about Harrison, his projects, catalog, and his performance schedule, see
© 2006 David F. Ashton ~ East PDX News
See how many different agencies provided information about their services, at this unique event held by the David Douglas School District …
Families of students from the David Douglas School District learned about many different resources available to them at the Family Resource Fair.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Hundreds of students, and their parents, took advantage of the annual event provided by the David Douglas School District: The East Portland Family Resource Fair.
After touring the fair ourselves, we talked with the woman in charge of this year’s event, Catherine Nyhan, school counselor, of the Fir Ridge Campus, David Douglas Schools.
“We have 54 agencies, representing all kinds of services, here,” Nyhan told us. “They are here to meet, and help, members of our community.”
Nyhan said this annual event is important, because students, and their parents, can learn what community resources are available. “As winter sets in, this is a good time for them to be able to access information about energy conservation, housing, and food services.”
At the Fir Ridge Campus, Nyhan continued, about 82% of the students are on programs for free or reduced-cost lunches. “In other words, we are in a high-poverty area. They need a lot of help right now. We help families find the resources they need. When a student comes from a stable family, they tend to do better in school.”
Shanley McLaughlin, counselor at Ron Russell Middle School, is greeted by Fir Ridge Campus principal Ron Knight, on her way into the Resource Fair.
Resources help school counselors
Staffmembers from other schools in the area–like Shanley McLaughlin, a counselor at Ron Russell Middle School in Powellhurst-Gilbert–told us that this fair helps them discover ways to help their student’s families. “Each year that I come to the fair, I learn about services that will help our students do better.”
As we continued our tour on Nov. 30, we saw folks learning where they could get energy assistance, find free and low-cost food and clothing resources, avail themselves of counseling resources, find out how to access local community colleges, and more.
© 2006 David F. Ashton ~ East PDX News
See why this dance school is attracting both students and audiences to their programs …
CBA dancers Katrina Cunningham and Brooke Thornberry touch up their makeup, moments before they go onstage in “The Nutcracker”.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
For those hoping to read a review of Classical Ballet Academy’s production of “The Nutcracker”, here it is: It was wonderful!
The performance we saw, performed at St. Mary’s Academy, and delivered on its promise of presenting this holiday classic with professional costumes, extravagant sets, and original choreography.
“I thought it would be quaint,” Helen Hildebrandt told us following the afternoon performance early in December, “so, I took family, visiting from out-of-town, to see it. But we agree — the performance and staging was what you’d expect from a professional ballet company in any major city.”
Director says she loves Sellwood
Although she only opened the academy in 2004, Rigles said there are now 250 students ranging in age from 3 to 70 years. Several of her students have received scholarships for college dance programs. Last summer, ten students went to a professional dance program in Boston.
“The first classes I taught here in Portland were at the Sellwood Community Center,” Rigles said. “I wanted to start a school for people serious about ballet. The continuing support I’ve had from students and parents in inner Southeast Portland is why I chose to open the academy here.”
Behind the scenes
Rigles gave us unprecedented back-stage access, as her student dancers readied themselves for their performances.
“From September through December every year since I was three years old, ‘The Nutcracker’ has been part of my life,” Rigles told us as she adjusted a student’s costume. “I’ve danced all the different parts. It is something that is part of my life ‚Äì and now, it is part of my students’ lives, too.”
The costumes at CBA’s production of this holiday classic were charming and very professional. Here, young dancers make their final preparations to go on stage.
In every room backstage at St. Mary’s Academy, dancers were putting on their makeup and adjusting their hairstyles. Others were limbering up and stretching, getting ready to perform athletic ballet moves.
CBA’s Director, Sarah Rigles, gives her students a heartfelt pep talk moments before the curtain goes up on their performance of “The Nutcracker”.
A group of young dancers looked nervous as they stood in the hallway. Rigles gathered them around her and gave each of young ballerinas a small memento. “You have danced these parts so well, so many times,” she said sincerely. “You are prepared. I’m so proud of you. You’ll do really well. Now, have fun and do well.”
Parent volunteers lend a hand
As we reported on the students’ backstage preparation, we noticed many adults, calmly helping out. “We couldn’t stage a show of this magnitude without the help of our 150 parent volunteers,” Rigles told us, as she rushed past more than a dozen backstage assistants — prop and set managers and costumers.
As the show’s opening overture was about to start, we made our way into the audience. We were greeted by usher John Southgate, formerly an East Portland Development Commission manager, now Economic Development Manager of Hillsboro. “Even though we’ve moved to the west side,” Southgate said, “Our kids love this school. It is an honor to help out.”
Teaches more than dance
Taking their seats were the family of eastside attorney and Sellwood resident Pete Diamond. His daughter, Caroline, 7, was about to dance as a mouse in this show. And 4-year-old Phoebe had her turn onstage earlier in the day, when she performed in the academy’s scaled-down version of the show, “The Nutcracker Suite”.
“What they learn goes beyond dancing,” Diamond said. “It gives them confidence and poise. You can see how the kids ‘grow up’ through the program. Even if they stop dancing at some point, they’ve still gained a lot, in terms learning dance, and becoming more confident ladies and men.”
He added that all students get personal attention. “They connect with all their students, regardless of age, and help make even the youngest students feel comfortable performing on stage.”
Curtain time! Nearly every seat at the St. Mary’s Academy theater was filled as this holiday classic came to life.
The large, 650-seat theater St. Mary’s Academy was filled to capacity as the house lights dimmed and the production began. It was, indeed, a very good show.
© 2006 David F. Ashton ~ East PDX News
Why do folks flock to outer East Portland’s only botanical park on the first Saturday in December, every year? Look at this and find out ‚Ķ
Diana Schmett and Kimberly Schmett, here shopping at the Leach Garden Christmas sale for table decorations.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
When people think of Leach Garden, at the “end” of SE 122nd Ave., just south of Foster Rd, it’s images of spring, and summer walks through nature, that come to mind.
But savvy holiday do-it-yourself craftspeople also know the Garden as the place to pick up the things they need to make great decorations!
Volunteers pointed out to us Barbara Hamilton as being the one in charge. “I’ve had every volunteer position with Friends of Leach Gardens over 23 years,” she explained.
She went on to tell us that this event–their annual Christmas Holiday Bazaar–has been held on the first weekend of December for more than two decades. “It is a major source of funding for us. The Gardens has a small paid staff, and a lot of volunteers.”
Hamilton said it all started by simply providing pre-cut, fresh greenery. “People come and pick out anything they want to decorate. We sell it by the bag. It’s very reasonably priced.”
For the past few seasons, she added, they’ve added ready-made swags, wreaths, and table designs to their offerings.
Lee and Gregg Everhart, filling their bags with holiday greenery to make decorations, at Leach Garden.
Plus, the Leach Garden Gift Shop was doing brisk business, too. Shoppers checked out gift items ranging from gardening accessories to lavender soap products.
In addition to the raising of funds, Hamilton told us, “The event helps people see the variety of greenery we grow in the garden. It attracts folks to see Leach Gardens who have never been here before.
“Even in the winter, there is always something colorful and blooming here. We like people to come into the garden to see what we’re doing.”
© 2006 David F. Ashton ~ East PDX News
It wasn’t Sturgis, but inner Southeast Portland, where more than 3,000 leather-clad bikers gathered. They weren’t there to rumble. Read this article and you’ll find that even the toughest-looking biker-brothers have a soft spot for sick kids ‚Ķ
Even organizers say they were surprised, and pleased, by the turnout for the 2006 Toy Run for Shriner’s Hospital.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
The sun glints off acres of chrome as motorcyclists ‚Äì yes, leather-clad bikers ‚Äì gather by the thousands in a parking lot at SE 17th Avenue and Holgate Boulevard. A band, “Much More Country”, belts out a patriotic-themed tune a city block away from we stand, at the far end of the TriMet bus facility in S.E. Portland.
“Is a riot or rumble about to break out?” we wonder. We ask who is in charge. “Santa Claus, of course!” is the reply. A feeling of relief floods over us.
Through a sea of over 3,000 parked Harleys and other bikes, we’re led to a jolly, white-whiskered St. Nick. Santa is sitting on his ride, a purple Harley-Davidson Road King he calls “Barney”. He’s attended by three stylish lady elves.
Santa and his elves are the official ambassadors for the ABATE Toy Run for the Shriner’s Hospital.
“Ho, ho ho! Welcome to the annual Toy Run for the Shriners’ Hospital, my boy,” greets Santa. “This event has gone on for years, on the first Saturday in December. We love going to the hospital and giving the kids gifts. I love everybody that participates in this.”
Shriners’ Hospital spokesman Fred P. Swansoan stands among the bikers gathered to help kids at their facility.
Event aids Shriners’ mission
Fred P. Swansoan, a volunteer van driver for Shriners’ Hospital, is wearing his organization’s trademark red fez. “This event is truly the big deal of the year for us. Both the toys and cash generated by this event plays a significant role in our mission to help children with severe medical needs. Underneath those leather jackets and chaps, you’ll find folks with big hearts; people who care about kids.”
The chaplain intones the event’s blessing, saying, “We wish everyone who came here has safe rides, health, good spirits, and a long life.”
Participant John Kachur says this is a way bikers give back to their community.
A tall, burly biker, John Kachur, is getting ready for the ride that will take them up “Pill Hill” to the hospital. “This is a lot of fun,” he tells us. “What a great day to get out! Look at the bikes and the people.”
We ask why so many motorcyclists, like him, are participating. “The connection is, we care. Pretty much everybody has had a kid, or has known a sick kid at one time or another. This is a fun way to give back to the community,” Kachur says as he roars his Harley thunderously to life.
Because only a few of the thousands of bikes will actually fit in the parking area in front of the hospital, Girl Scout Troop 1561 in Gateway helps stuff toys the bikers brought to the rally point in a TriMet bus for delivery to the kids.
As the bikes rev up by the thousands, the percussive energy they radiate can be felt through one’s body as much as it can be heard.
The gate opens, and the bikers form a rolling parade out of the lot, heading north on S.E. 17th Avenue to Powell Boulevard, across the Ross Island Bridge, and up the hill to the Shriners’ hospital.
Four abreast, the thousands of bikers start their journey toward Dornbecher Hospital from their rallying point in inner Southeast Portland.
Changing the image of bikers
This event, we learn, is sanctioned by A.B.A.T.E. of Oregon, Inc. (“A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments”). Mike Friend, this year’s event coordinator suggested we talk with 16 year veteran of the event, Ed Dahl.
“26 years ago, ABATE was started by motorcycle clubs to lobby for cyclist rights,” Dahl explains. And, 26 years ago, twelve people decided to do something charitable. It has grown into this.”
More than just bringing toys, the Toy Run also raises funds that help the Portland Shriners’ Hospital buy specialized equipment, such as communication computers and power wheel chairs, and to provide van conversions. “We’re trying to give these kids things to help them become more self-sufficient.”
Part of the event is an annual raffle. This year’s grand prize was a new Harley. “In addition to the toys, we gave $45,000 worth of equipment to eight patients. And, we collected another $6,000, on the day of the run.”
What most people don’t see, Dahl tells us, is that the patents give them a gift list. “We do our best to fill the orders. The night before the Run, we go up to the hospital, wrap gifts, and have them ready for Santa.”
Just a cool photo of the bikers ready to make their ride up Pill Hill.
Yes, there is a Santa
Dhal recalls a boy at the hospital who said he didn’t believe in Santa. “When he opened his gifts, and found his wishes fulfilled, he looked up with big eyes and told us, ‘I’ve changed my mind. I do believe in Santa.’ Times like this will put a tear in your eye.”
© 2006 David F. Ashton ~ East PDX News