Check out the action at this, the most unique spooky destination in the greater Portland. This scary place benefits some very good causes …
Parkrose High School students, and choir members Courtnee Butterfield and Ami Shimojima, put on their makeup before they “haunt” the Parkrose Haunted Ghost Town for the evening.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
After building some sets for western movies he’d produced years ago, prominent outer East Portlander Joe Rossi decided to repurpose the buildings for his famed “Barn Bash” events – and later, for a “Haunted Ghost Town” attraction.
After the Rossi Farms Store closed, many of their public events they hosted ceased. But, three years ago, a Parkrose High School student set out to revive the “dead ghost town” – with the Rossi’s blessing.
Meet the producer of the Parkrose Haunted Ghost Town: Brandon Treadway.
At 17 years of age, Brandon Treadway might seem to be a bit young to be the producer of the Parkrose Haunted Ghost Town – but this is his third year in the role.
“It’s because I’ve always loved Hallowe’en,” Treadway told East Portland News on October 10, the attraction’s opening night. “For years, I’ve done a small-scale event at my house.”
After meeting Joe Rossi, and helping them for several years with the Barn Bash, Treadway asked if he could get the Parkrose Haunted Ghost Town up and running again.
“Joe could see that I really wanted to bring it back, and was willing to put in the work to make it happen,” Treadway continued. “And now, here we are, starting the third season that I’ve been producing this event. Some say that I’m an ‘old hand’, but I keep learning, every season.”
Creepy creatures of all descriptions inhabit the Haunted Ghost Town stores.
Taking a break from helping farmers market vendors get loaded up at his cold storage facility, Joe Rossi was all smiles as he looked over the attraction, just before it opened.
“I’m excited to see this continuing,” Rossi said. “Brandon and his volunteer crew are doing a great job putting it on.”
Producer Brandon Treadway spends a moment with Joe Rossi.
The Haunted Ghost Town is an event that people remember, and still comment to him on, since their high school days, Rossi commented. “Now that they’re grownups, they still say how much they enjoyed the ghost town and the haunted hayrides we used to do years ago.
“That’s nice to hear,” Rossi continued. “Because for us, it’s about helping make great family memories.”
Craig “Half-Cocked” Flynn, and star of television and movies “JD”, are ready to freak out visitors to the haunted town.
The attraction benefits both Parkrose and Reynolds high school performing arts programs – drama, music and theater arts. “And, it gives students a creative thing to do after school during the fall,” Treadway said. “They can learn hands-on set design, construction, and painting. And, we have lots of ‘acting roles’ for everyone.”
The Parkrose Haunted Ghost Town has a cast of 45 actors, divided between two mazes. The labyrinths feature brand-new hotel façade and dentist’s office scene, as well as wild-west shootouts.
In the grave yard, the question is “Are they dead, or somewhat alive?”
The 15,000 square-foot attraction is overrun by the morbid characters of “Clyde’s Hell On Wheels” traveling show. “These bizarre individuals torment and torture those who come into their path,” Treadway described. “Guests pass through the sheriff’s, an eerie cemetery, saloon, and brave the mineshaft – and the gallows!”
They advise parents that their haunted town is rated “PG-13” – for folks 13 years of age and older – and ask parents to use good judgment by not bringing very young children, or those who might be easily frightened.
Think your dentist is frightening? Wait until you see what’s happening in this sinister office of tooth care!
“From 3:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. on Hallowe’en, October 31, we have Trick-or-Treat Time especially for young kids,” Treadway advised. “They get to go through the whole town, and collect candy in the stores of our Wild West set. They have a good time because it’s still light, and we ‘turn down the scare’ quite a bit for them.”
The best reason to come out, though, Treadway said, is to local students. “The next reason to come is to be entertained and scared! There’s a lot more going on here than you’ll find at many other haunted attractions around town.”
This troupe gives true meaning to the term “Freak Show”.
The Parkrose Haunted Ghost Town is located at Rossi Farms, 3839 NE 122nd Avenue, 97220 (just south of SE Shaver Street). It’s open “rain-or-shine”.
Hours of operation:
- Thursdays: 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
- Friday and Saturdays: 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
- Sundays 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
- If there is a line waiting to get in at closing time, their policy is to stay open until everyone is accommodated.
- General Admission – $15; Admission for one person through The Haunted Ghost Town only.
- VIP – $20; Two Admissions for one person for both The Haunted Ghost Town and the new Haunted Corn Maze.
- Group Admission – $10/person; Admission into The Haunted Ghost Town one time, only for groups of 15 or more. Purchased in one transaction.
For more information, or to buy tickets online, see their official website: CLICK HERE.
Come visit the Parkrose Haunted Ghost Town – if you dare!
© 2014 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News