Trespasser busted for guns, in video store lot

Both patrons and employees hope this man – already again out of custody – won’t be in their parking lot for a while …

The guns that police say they found in the man’s car, parked behind this “adult product” store, gave them considerable concern.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

Some wise business owners and mangers realize the value of signing up with the Portland Police Bureau (PPB) Trespass Authorization Program. It invites officers to drive through their parking lots, looking for vehicles and persons who perhaps shouldn’t be there.

Under this program, PPB East Precinct officers were checking the parking lot of Taboo Video Adult Superstore, located at 2330 SE 82nd Avenue, on the evening of March 6.

A Portland Police East Precinct District car stops to check out a car, in the parking lot behind the store.

“At 10:42 p.m., officers contacted a man sitting in a parked car who gave police a false name,” recounted PPB Public Information Officer Sgt. Pete Simpson.

Police say they found these guns, and ammunition, inside a man’s car.

Looking in the car, officers spotted a handgun partially concealed in the man’s backpack, Simpson revealed. “A search of the backpack by officers revealed two additional handguns, one of which had been reported stolen in Clark County, Washington,” he said.

Police arrested 20-year-old Bruce Jeffrey Holdman, and at 12:30 a.m., booked him in the Multnomah County Detention Center.

Police say they found this man, 20-year-old Bruce Jeffrey Holdman, with three guns – on them reportedly stolen – in his car.

Holdman was charged with three counts of Unlawful Possession of a Firearm, Theft in the First Degree, Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree, Possession of a Loaded Firearm, and Interfering with a Peace Officer.

Surprisingly to some, Holdman was out of jail three days later on a “Court Ordered Release”.

Police drive off with gun theft suspect Bruce Jeffrey Holdman in their car. Yet, days later, he’s allowed to walk free.

“That’s really disturbing,” said a worker who answered the telephone at the store. “I sure hope he doesn’t come around here again.”

Business owners and managers can learn more about the Trespass Authorization Program at the police bureaus official webpage: CLICK HERE to view it.

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