’Tis the season to be giving – your deposit-return bottles and cans that is! – to help students at Parkrose High

Here’s the reason to save your bottles and cans – and to remember to take them to Parkrose Middle School the first Saturday of the month …

On the occasion of his birthday, “The Parkrose Can Man” Dave Luce (left side) stands with staff and students from the oft-honored Parkrose Choir, at the November Can Drive.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
With so many worthy causes asking for a donation this time of year, one man continues to make it easy to support the great work done by the Parkrose Bronco Boosters and to add to the school’s Senior All-Night Party fund.

That man, Dave Luce, a/k/a the Parkrose Can Man, continues to ask neighbors and businesspeople to consider donating their emptied deposit-return cans and bottles, instead of lugging them back to the store.

When we took in our big bag of cans in November, Luce told us, “I’m celebrating my 70th birthday here. It’s great; every month a different group of kids come to help out on the first Saturday of the month. Last time, it was the girls’ volleyball team. This month it is the high school choir.”

On some “first Saturdays”, they’ve collected as much as $1,000 worth of deposit-return bottles and cans during the four-hour drive.

Pick-up service available
Some businesses and larger organizations let Luce post plastic barrels or drums, he said. “We have 220 barrels out right now; when they’re filled, I come pick them up, and replace them with a clean, empty barrel. These cans go to support the Parkrose Senior All-Night Party.”

Luce said some neighbors, who have seen articles about his volunteer effort here in East Portland News, have asked him to come pick up a big load at their home. “I’m glad the word is getting out.”

You can help
Drop off your cans on December 5 or January 2 at Parkrose Middle School (it’s on NE Shaver Street, a block west of NE 122nd Avenue).

Or, give Luce a call at (503) 255-3745 if you generate a substantial number of deposit-return cans and bottles at your home or business, and would like him to come pick them up.

© 2009 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News

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