Here’s why to keep saving up those deposit-return bottles and cans – and why to take them Parkrose Middle School on January 8 …
Go, Parkrose High School Bronco Swimmers! The swim team helps out the Parkrose Can Man, Dave Luce (standing center), to sort deposit-return bottles and cans at a recent collection.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
For years now, Dave Luce, the “Parkrose Can Man”, has been rounding up deposit-return cans and bottles and turning this potential trash into gold for the Parkrose High School Bronco Boosters, clubs, and teams, and for the Senior All Night Party.
“It just seems like a good way to raise money,” Luce told us. “I’m staying very busy. Not long ago, we turned in containers and collected $833 for the Senior All Night Party.”
But, during each first-of-the-month container-corralling effort, the money raised goes to the Boosters and the Parkrose High club volunteers who help get cans from vehicles, sort them by type, and bag them up.
When we visited the can drive in December, we met the Parkrose Bronco Swim Team’s advisor, Diane Pow: “Thanks to Dave Luce, the money we get from helping out today earns funds to help purchase supplies for our swimmers.”
Yes, there is sports gear needed for swimming, Pow pointed out – like poolside mats and warm-ups. “You should know that our wonderful coaches Michel Wilcox and Sandy Healy are doing a great job. We are going to our state championships again this year, in February. Go Broncos!”
The Parkrose Can Man, Dave Luce, helps a volunteer get a deposit-return bottle in it’s proper bin.
Can drive resumes on January 8
The Parkrose Boosters Pop Can Drive is being delayed a week because of the New Year’s Day Holiday, Luce said.
However, on January 8, you’ll again find them open 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Take your deposit-return cans and bottles to the Parkrose Middle School, on NE Shaver Street, across from Parkrose High School.
Or, if you have a place of business where Luce can place a collection barrel, or have a large load picked up – or answer questions – call him at (503) 255-3745.
© 2010 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News