The Centennial community parties – in Parklane Park

This Movie in the Park event succeeds, even with bad weather predicted …

Multnomah County Parole & Probation Parole Officer Ian Clanton, Rosewood Initiative Director Jenny Glass, Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Kevin Doriss, and MCSO Deputy Mark Innman all stand ready to greet visitors to this year’s Parklane Party in the Park.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
The threat of a serious impending thunderstorm didn’t keep folks in the Centennial neighborhood from coming out to play – and to see The Avengers on the big screen provided by Portland Parks & Recreation – on August 9.

The neighborhood fair, which included National Night Out Against Crime activities preceding the evening entertainment, wasn’t as well attended as in past years, due to the brief mid-afternoon rain showers.

David Douglas High School senior Devin McIntyre demonstrates his high-flying skateboard skills. His landing was as perfect as his flight.

Anet Hansel, Mikiey Dement, Adreinne Johnson, and Brenda McSweeney – who is a member of the East Portland Rovers volunteers’ group – stand ready to make snow cones.

Balloon Twister Andrew – present at many outer East Portland events each summer – is popular with the kids.

But, the park was filled with activities and things to see, including a cruise-in, and loads of booths featuring community organization information.

“We feel it is important to hold this event for two reasons,” said Centennial Community Association Chair Tom Lewis.

“The first is to introduce our neighbors, and those from surrounding areas, to the Master Plan for Parklane Park which we hope, someday soon, will be constructed,” Lewis said.

“And, it’s a good idea to get people together,” Lewis told East Portland News. “We have an incredible richness of diversity here in outer East Portland. Getting together here helps all of our neighbors get acquainted with one another – and to learn about community services.”

At her table, Sharon White, from the Portland Bureau of Transportation Community and School Traffic Safety Partnership, relaxes for a moment, during this warm afternoon in the park. She’s surely enjoying a break from being the target of errant motorists during “crosswalk missions”, which is usually where we find her.

Portland Police Bureau Officer Aaron Schmautz comes by to hand out stickers, as part of the event’s National Night Out.

The band, Global FM, rocks the park.

As the sky grew darker, despite storm clouds looming on the horizon, more and more people elected to come to into the park. Many to enjoy the picnic dinner they brought with them. Others played games, had their faces painted, and enjoyed the live music by the professional band, Global FM, and by participants in the PDX Teen Idol competition.

Later, the warned-of thunderstorm skirted the area, and the folks stayed on to see the Movie in the Park – glad they’d brought raingear, which kept them dry during a brief evening rain shower.

After people arrive home from work, many of them filter over into Parklane Park, to take part in the festivities.

Sitting in the spots they’d picked out for the movie presentation later, these people sit back and enjoy a live music concert.

This festive evening concluded this year’s major neighborhood summertime parties. Hopefully, many outer East Portland neighborhoods will be able to continue the tradition, even without funds from the now-defunded East Portland Neighborhood Small Grants program.

© 2013 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News

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