See how this unique concept and location in outer East Portland provided a place for vendors, especially minority merchants, to showcase their products, just off the main street in Parkrose. Plus, see what the organizer is working on now for the upcoming Holidays, and how you can help …
While they enjoyed great weather during their season, vendors and shoppers at the last Parkrose Marketplace of the year in October braved wind-driven rain.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
The persistence of a neighbor made an idea of hosting what has become known as the Parkrose Marketplace a reality, over the summer.
>> To see earlier articles about the Parkrose Marketplace, CLICK HERE.
Once a month, on a Saturday and Sunday, starting in May and ending in late October, this outdoor market served the public just off Sandy Boulevard – along a Portland Bureau of Transportation “Public Street Plaza” on NE 108th Avenue in the Parkrose Neighborhood Business District – with the support of the Historic Parkrose Neighborhood Prosperity Initiative district.
It was, indeed, a worthwhile project, agrees Parkrose Marketplace founder and manager, Terry Murphy.
“Because of the size of the area utilized, we were able to provide appropriate social-distancing, permitting about 60 [vendors] per day,” said the market’s manager, Terry Murphy, after it had closed for the season.
“And, I would say about we had between 250 to 300 unique vendors over the season; with a little more than half of them coming back every Saturday and Sunday, all season long,” Murphy told East Portland News.
Showing some of her hand-made soaps is Mandi Ruscher-Haqq of Niyyah Handcrafted.
“And, we’ve compiled a list of a total of 430 unique vendors who had registered for the marketplace over the season; some of whom did not come due to scheduling. That makes for a great foundation for next season,” Murphy remarked.
“Because we set out to make Parkrose Marketplace an inclusive place, it was more representative of the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) community itself; in fact, 52.3% of our vendors did not identify as Caucasian.”
He didn’t do it alone. Murphy acknowledged between six and eight volunteers who helped put on the market each weekend event; with a total of about 20 unique individuals over the season.
Providing hot and delicious plant-based all-vegan foods it’s Amanda Beckett of Rad Root.
“This first season of Parkrose Marketplace showed us two things very clearly,” Murphy stated. First, that this community wanted, and was willing to support, a community market. And second, that Parkrose businesses – as well as others across the city – are supportive of, and willing invest in, this Parkrose community market concept.”
He added, “The success of the Parkrose Marketplace tells me that there is real hope and opportunity for us to do something big and positive for the Parkrose community and our surrounding neighborhoods.”
Donate toys through December 17
Now that the Market’s season is over, Murphy, who in 2020 founded Parkrose Stepping Up, is now off to his next community-building event – he’s calling it The Fantastical Parkrose Toy Drive & Giveaway.
Gift items collected through December 17 (actually, new, unwrapped packaged toys will be accepted through the event itself) will be given away, at the drop-off location (see below), on Sunday, December 19.
Here’s Terry Murphy, shown last Christmas season, as his “Joyful Toy Store” was about to give away hundreds of toys. East Portland News archive image
It started in December of last year; he called it at that time the “Free First Annual Joyful Toy Store”, held the driveway of his home, not far from Parkrose High School.
“I’m excited that this year, the Parkrose Business Association sees our vision, and has stepped up to support this event,” Murphy announced.
“What we’re asking is that, from 3 until 6 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, everyone will help out by dropping off new, unwrapped toys, games, art supplies, musical instruments, books, and winter clothing.
“We’re also accepting “like new”, but used, items if they’re squeaky clean, complete, and in working order.”
Take your contributions to office of Norwest Engineering in Argay Square, located at 4110 NE 122nd Avenue, Suite 207, 97230 – from 3 until 6 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For questions, or to have your donation picked up, email the organizer, Terry Murphy, at
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