See why women were selling this summertime treat outside New Seasons markets on May 12‚
Sellwood New Seasons Market customer Darcia Krause, here being served strawberry shortcake by Soroptimist Cheri Wonsley, David Koch, Shauna Nokleby and Beth Dahlgaard.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
In spots across the city, Portlanders were smacking their lips as they enjoyed fresh, strawberry shortcake treats on May 12.
“New Seasons Market generously supplied the space and ingredients to make and sell strawberry shortcake at their stores,” Soroptimist Cheri Wonsley told us, as she and her crew was dishing up the delectable desserts-to-go at the Sellwood New Seasons on SE Tacoma Street.
“All the money we Soroptimists raise today is going to help domestic abuse shelters in the greater Portland area,” explained Wonsley. “We hope to raise $7,000 from this event.”
The funds, she added, is to be divided among Bradley-Angle House, Clackamas women and Children’s Services, Domestic Violence Resource Center, Listen To Kids, Raphael House of Portland, The Salvation Army West Women’s and Children’s Shelter, and the YMCA Yolanda House.
The word “Soroptimist”, we learned, is coined from the Latin words soror and optima, and loosely translated as “best for women”. If you want to learn more, the East Portland Soroptimist club meets the first three Mondays of each month, from 6-8 pm at Why not Wine, 7907 SE Stark Street. For more information, see
© 2007 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News Service