“Slap Jack Breakfast” helps fund “Senior All-Night Party”

Take a look at the fun – and great food – during this fundraiser at the Gateway Applebee’s Restaurant …

Parkrose High alumnus ’04 George Schlotz is welcomed to the “Senior All-Night Party Slap Jack Breakfast” fundraiser by Parkrose High School senior Kyle Brown and parent Kris Brown.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
A proven successful way to help keep graduating high school seniors safe on their “big night” is to host a “Senior All-Night Party” for these teenagers.

You’ve read how “Parkrose ‘Can Man’ Dave Luce” has supported, and continues to support, this event with his deposit-return can drive.

Another effort of the Parkrose Bronco Boosters has been holding “Slap Jack Breakfast” events at the Gateway Applebee’s restaurant located at 10004 NE Halsey Street, in the Fred Meyer Gateway Shopping Center.

Barbara and David Luce toast the success of the Parkrose High Senior All-Night Party fundraising effort.

Folks came in and enjoyed a delicious leisurely breakfast when East Portland News visited on February 16.

“Thanks to our Applebee’s Restaurant,” said parent volunteer Kris Brown, “we’re able to bring the community together, and raise funds for this very good cause.”

Families who attended had their fill of pancakes, scrambled eggs, and sausage – topped off with coffee and juices.

From behind the bar, Gateway Applebee’s Beverage Services Manager Jay Ventura checks the supply of the hot freshly-grilled sausages being served during the “Slap Jack Breakfast” fundraiser.

The Gateway Applebee’s manager-on-duty talked about why this outer East Portland store, in a nationwide chain, participates in this kind of local event.

“As long as I’ve been with this company, one of the things I’ve noticed most is that Applebee’s does encourage interaction with the community,” explained Beverage Services Manager Jay Ventura.

“Part of our name is ‘The Neighborhood Grill’ – and from what I can see, it is more than just a marketing slogan,” Ventura added. “Even these days, as other food service companies cheapen their product and cut back on service, Applebee’s get involved with our schools and other organizations, like Special Olympics, to give back to their community.”

Maegan and Spencer Cameron and family enjoy breakfast at Applebee’s.

Ventura pointed out that while Applebee’s is operated by a holding company with more than 100 restaurants on the west coast, all of their employees and many of their suppliers are local.

Even though putting on this event meant opening his mid-County eatery early, Venture said, he thinks it’s worthwhile, when he sees the community come together.

“It’s probably one of the best feelings a person can have. I notice that here, in outer East Portland, there are strong neighborhood associations and school organizations – something I’ve not seen elsewhere. I guess they might be right, when they say ‘It takes a village …’.”

> On our front page: Parkrose Sacramento Elementary student
Teagan Cameron enjoys her breakfast!

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