Sizzling temperatures bake outer East Portlanders

When is this heat wave going to end? See what we’ve found out …

At the start of our “heat wave”, a welcome area at the Powellhurst-Gilbert Neighborhood’s National Night Out celebration at Earl Boyles Park on August 4 turns out to be the park’s water features.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
For the first time since 2009, soaring temperatures have made for sweltering conditions across outer East Portland.

But, while many weather forecasters predicted record-setting temperatures, reaching as high as 104º on August 17, it appears as if our two-week heat-wave is over, for now.

In the Midway Business District, at SE 122nd Avenue at SE Division Street on August 16, this temperature reading indicates the level of heat everyone feels.

At the National Weather Service, in the Parkrose area of outer East Portland, Meteorologist Clinton C.D. Rockey spoke with East Portland News about the forecast trends.

“The heat wave is over,” Rockey said. “On August 17 at 2:20 p.m. we’re at 92º, but we could get up to 97º today – making the last day of the high heat.”

It’s air conditioned, here in the National Weather Service’s building, where forecasters say our super-heated summer days are rapidly coming to an end (for now).

More seasonable temperatures begin this weekend, Rockey added. “We’ll start to see more autumn-like temperatures for next week, probably in the low to mid 70s. So, as far as the big, nasty heat goes, this is it.”

The reason why, the meteorologist said, is that a big ridge of high pressure is retreating into the Rockies – and taking the intense heat with it. “This allows more cool ocean air to give us morning marine clouds – a pretty good sign the high heat is over.”

Our hot summer weather is about to end, says National Weather Service Meteorologist Clinton C.D. Rockey.

We could have another above-92º day, Rockey said, “But we’re unlikely to see sustained high temperatures again until this time next year.”

Steve Pierce, President of the Oregon Chapter of the American Meteorological Society, agreed with Rockey. He said, late on Friday, August 17, “HOT, HOT, HOT! We’ll have highs of 95-100 again today, but expect temperatures to finally be cooling back into the 80’s over the weekend.”

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