Learn about this service, held earlier in the month, as we now celebrate Memorial Day …
Area policing agencies join members of the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office to they hold the annual ceremony in outer East Portland, honoring fellow peace officers who have died in the line of duty.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Every year in May, the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) commemorates fallen comrades at the MCSO Law Enforcement Memorial, located at their mid-County building on NE Glisan Street in outer East Portland.
The Posting of the Colors was performed by the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office, Portland Police Bureau, Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office, Clark County Sheriff’s Office, and Gresham Police Department honor guards, as the ceremony began on May 5.
As she has done in past years, Jonelle Olszewski masterfully sang the National Anthem.
A bagpiper plays Amazing Grace during the ceremony.
Multnomah County Sheriff Daniel Staton begins his address.
After the invocation by Chaplin Ed Stelle, Multnomah County Sheriff Daniel Staton presented his remarks.
“We are here today to remember the fallen heroes of law enforcement,” he began.
“It is easy for those looking in at our profession to take it for granted. This job is unlike any other, as danger and stress creates daily emotional sacrifice. That cycle that sacrifice goes beyond not just the individual, but also the family, the community, and every member of the agency.
“When the ultimate sacrifice happens, its impact is devastating and far-reaching,” Staton continued. “These law enforcement members died doing what they were trained to do. They were protecting lives, protecting our homes, protecting their families, watching over our very freedom. They stood tall in times of chaos, confusion, and fear.”
MCSO command staff listens to Sheriff Staton’s address.
“As we honor those who sacrificed for us, we remember that they are a part of our community,” Staton went on. “They are remembered for their passion for life, and also for those they serve. We mourn the loss, and their unmistakable bravery, and the compassion that they felt for us.
“Their legacy lives on in all of us. In our commitment to keep the community safe, in the sacrifice that will never be forgotten or taken for granted. We will honor and continue their legacy by protecting our communities. May God continue to bless them, and bless all of those serving and protecting our communities today. And, God bless the families.”
As one of the 11 honored during the “Reading of the Roll”, a relative places a ceremonial ribbon on the staff, celebrating the life of Reserve Deputy Scott Collins, who was killed while on duty on February 26, 1993, when he was struck by a drunk driver.
MCSO Captain/Jail Commander Derrick Peterson sings God Bless America.
The Honor Guard performs the “Folding of the Flag” ceremony.
Sheriff Staton respectfully places the flag dedicated to the fallen at the MCSO Law Enforcement Memorial.
After the musical numbers, the Folding of the Flag ceremony, a 21-gun salute and the bugling of Taps, the ceremony was over.
“This service means everything to me,” Staton told East Portland News with emotion in his voice, at the program’s conclusion.
“I don’t forget these deputies; I remember them, I keep their memory alive,” Staton said.
© 2016 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News