Sheriff’s Deputies bus tables for tips

It’s not a part-time gig! Learn why Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office workers volunteered a day of restaurant work to help others …

Special Olympics Oregon athletes Collin Pidgeon and Rebecca Peterson flank Multnomah County Sheriff Lt. Travis Gullberg as they welcome patrons to the Mall 205 Red Robin Restaurant, during the “Tip a Depuity” day.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Even though it’s an annual event, some patrons of the Mall 205 Red Robin Restaurant looked surprised to see burly Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) command staff, deputies, and non-sworn employees clearing their tables and delivering their meals on October 12.

“Again this year, the MCSO is joining other law enforcement agencies across the state – and nation – to raise money for Special Olympics, during an event called ‘Tip a Cop’,” explained MCSO Lt. Travis Gullberg. “In our case, it’s ‘Tip a Deputy!’”

MCSO Chief Deputy Jason Gates chats up guest Simone Takasaki, explaining the mission of Special Olympics Oregon.

MCSO staff came out to raise both funds, and awareness for Special Olympics Oregon, Gullberg told East Portland News – between bussing tables. “All of the money we raise stays in Oregon…not only for the summer games, but also to help with athletes’ training and activities all through the year.”

As “Celebrity Servers”, the officers don’t interfere with the jobs of the restaurant’s professional servers – nor do they swipe their tips, even for a good cause.

“In fact,” Gullberg said, “When we tell the patrons why we’re here, we specifically ask them to tip their ‘real’ server first. Then, if they want to help Special Olympics Oregon, we’re happy to accept their donation.”

MCSO Deputy Kent Krumpschmidt smiles as he takes cleared dishes back into the kitchen.

Red Robin Mall 205 Manager Paul Rider said they participate “because this is a good cause. It’s a great way to help out our local community here.

“We love having the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office folks here,” Rider continued. “Their effort seems to go over well with our customers. I see lots of happy and smiling faces, as they tell our customers about ‘Special Olympics Oregon’.”

Asked if the MCSO staff actually does a good job clearing tables, Rider joshed, “If they’re not, I’m not the one who is going to tell them so! Actually, they do a great job. The way they interact with the customers, it’s makes for a really good vibe here.”

MCSO Facility Security Officer Sandee Sine cleans another table.

New this year, Gullberg pointed out, is that participation has now opened to all MCSO employees. “In addition to the deputies and command staff, we also have people signed up for shifts from the Records, Corrections, Law Enforcement sections – and even [unsworn] volunteers. It’s one of our happiest days of the year.”

Learn more about “Special Olympics Oregon” at their website: CLICK HERE.

> On our Front Page: Again this year, MCSO Captain Mary Lindstrand helps out during the “Tip a Deputy” event.

© 2013 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News

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