FESTIVE, ARTISTIC VIDEO INCLUDED | See how this “Fall in Love with Lents” event was enjoyed by many outer East Portland families on an early autumn afternoon …
People arrive for the second annual ‘Fall in Love with Lents’ East Portland Art Fest, as it gets underway in Lents Town Center.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
The second outing of the ‘Fall in Love with Lents’ East Portland Art Fest was well received, both by visitors and the vendors, on the autumn afternoon of September 30 in Lents Town Center.
Again this year, Lents Masonic Hall #156 donated the use of their parking lot on SE 92nd Avenue, just north of Foster Road. Inside the gate were vendor booths, and a stage set up for live music and entertainment. The Art Fest was organized by members of the East Portland Collective.
Welcoming guests at the Art Fest is East Portland Collective Board Member Jean Fang.
“Here, at our second annual festival, we have more than forty different outer East Portland vendors, performers, and bands! And, we’re excited to be out celebrating the Lents Neighborhood – and art – today,” smiled Jean Fang, a Board Member from East Portland Collective.
“This idea arose because the East Portland Collective does a lot of free art and community art projects here,” Fang told East Portland News. “Bringing art into the community has benefits for mental health, and helps in building community.
Energetically kicking off the entertainment at the East Portland Art Fest are the Portland Lee’s Association Lion Dance Team.
Showing some of works of art – it’s also clothing! – is artist Rachel Brown of Rae Art PDX.
Twisting balloons into creatures and toys are “The People’s Clowns” – Olive and Dingo.
“So, we created this festival to bring people – artists, crafters, and neighbors – together. People who might not otherwise cross paths,” Fang explained. “Art is really important because, overall, it helps people feel more hopeful, more creative, and positive.”
As promised, here it is! Enjoy our video tour of the East Portland Art Fest:
This one-afternoon festival doesn’t magically come together, Fang observed. It’s the result of about 300 hours of planning – and the help of as many as 15 volunteers.
“In addition to being grateful to our volunteers, we’re thankful for the Lents Masonic Lodge allowing us to use this space, in our effort of energizing Lents,” commended Fang.
Vending fresh popcorn, and raising money to support Kelly, Lent, Marysville schools, are Alexia Cadatal, Sebastian Panasenko, and Nora Roggeveen-Samf.
Learn more about the East Portland Collective by visiting their website: CLICK HERE.
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