Scout organizes Hazeltine Park project

Read about this Boy Scout’s project‚ it helps him earn Eagle rank, and honors his grandfather, at the same time‚

Hauling laurel tree branches and weeds are (top left) Matt Faunt, (bottom left) Jonah Mahoney, (bottom right) Kevin Sharp, (top right) Collin Faunt and (top center) Jessica Faunt.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
For many in the Brentwood-Darlington neighborhood, the recently-completed Hazeltine Park is a proud symbol of cooperation between neighbors and the City.

On this Saturday, a few weeks ago, the park is abuzz with another cooperative activity‚ a large-scale spruce-up effort‚ led by a 16-year-old young man, Matt Faunt.

Dick Hazeltine, the park’s namesake, with chainsaw in hand.

Faunt is an Eagle Scout candidate, previously Senior Patrol Leader for Boy Scout Troop 64. “I was born and raised in Westmoreland, but this park has special meaning to me. It’s named after my grandfather, Dick Hazeltine. Not only am I earning a rank for which I’ve worked; I’m doing it in a way that honors my grandfather.”

One of the requirements of becoming an Eagle Scout, Faunt tells us, is creating and successfully executing a Leadership Service Project.

Brentwood Darlington Neighborhood Association’s Gail Kiely hauls a big load.

“My main role is organizing the project and delegating tasks to other people,” states Faunt, shovel in hand. “I can help on the project when I’m needed. But my main tasks are creating the project, calling people to get them involved, and making and handing out flyers that ask neighbors to volunteer to help.”

Faunt’s recruitment campaign is successful: under a sky threatening rain, 36 volunteers show up from the neighborhood, along with members of Boy Scout Troop #64, leaders of the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Association, and workers from Portland Parks and Recreation. Faunt’s troops are diligently weeding flowerbeds and spreading mulch throughout the park.

Jalal Haddad volunteers at the Hazeltine Park clean up.

“And, we’re cutting down the laurel trees in the back of the park. This will really improve the view,” supervisor Faunt explains. “We’ll be transplanting the shrub roses and planting as well.”

In the front west corner of the park, other volunteers are digging post holes, preparing to install a kiosk that will display park and neighborhood information.

Up on the truck, Jill Craig, a volunteering neighbor, helps load a PP&R truck with branches.

When you drive past the 5300 block of SE Flavel Drive, you’ll see the results the hard work of this new Eagle Scout’s volunteers‚ an improved city park in the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood.

© 2007 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News Service

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