Save your ‘empties’ to help Parkrose students

What to do with the empty deposit-return bottles and cans you’re collecting over the Holidays? Take them in on January 4, and help worthy students …

Students help unload cans brought in by outer East Portland neighbors for the Parkrose Bronco Boosters Bottle & Can Collection.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

Between the Christmas and New Year celebrations, many folks end up with quite a few deposit-return bottles and cans.

An easy way to dispose of them – while helping worthy students in Parkrose – is to take them to the Parkrose Bronco Boosters Bottle & Can Collection, coming up on January 4.

Coordinator Patty Meighen gets help from volunteers Stephanie Viegas Dias and Chris Koppen, and her husband Greg Meighen, at this “can drive”.

“Greg and I have been coordinating the ‘can and bottle’ drive for years, now – the one started by in 2000 by Dave ‘Can Man’ Luce, with the help of adult volunteers and students,” recalled Patty Meighen, at a recent collection held at Parkrose Middle School.

“The money raised from redemption of the bottles and cans goes to support different Parkrose High School student groups who help out at the event that month…the Parkrose High Senior All-Party…and the Parkrose High Parent-Teacher Organization, which helps to provide scholarships for seniors,” Meighen told East Portland News.

At this can drive, Parkrose National Honors Society volunteers show some of the cans they’ve helped collect; school clubs earn about $500 for their efforts, depending on the quantity of bottles and cans coming in.

“These dedicated students appreciate the money raised for their organization when people come in and drop off their return-deposit bottles and cans. Those who contribute are directly supporting the students and their organizations,” Meighen pointed out.

“We’re always looking for, and appreciate, a few hours once a month – from the volunteers who help out here, on the first Saturday of the month, or who pick up the cans from homes and businesses,” Meighen added. “It really adds up; last year, this volunteer effort brought about much as $20,000 – and it all goes to help our students in Parkrose.”

Help support students like these by bringing your deposit-return bottles and cans in for the January 4 Parkrose collection.

The Parkrose Bronco Boosters Bottle & Can Collection coming up on January 4, from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at the Parkrose Middle School front entrance, at 11800 NE Shaver St.  97220.  Contact Patty Meighen at for more information, or to volunteer.

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