Russell neighborhood house fire displaces five

Although firefighters arrived quickly and quenched this outer East Portland blaze rapidly, the home is temporarily inhabitable …

Firefighters work to put the fire in the garage of this Russell neighborhood home. Ron Glanville photo

By David F. Ashton

A mother told her child to call the 9-1-1 Center and report their garage on fire on the morning of May 31. Portland Fire & Rescue (PF&R) crews sped with lights and sirens to 13245 NE Sacramento Drive at 6:55 a.m.

Firefighters from Station 30 were first to arrive, and reported by radio to Dispatch they were seeing heavy smoke pouring from the home’s garage.

“Crews from Parkrose Station 2 searched the main floor of the structure and the basement, and confirmed all occupants were out of the building,” reported PF&R Public Information Officer Lt. Rich Chatman.

Firefighters continue working to put out this house fire in the Russell neighborhood. Ron Glanville photo

Firefighters laddered up to the roof, in case they needed to cut it open to access the fire in the attic to keep it from spreading.

“A little smoke got into the house, but the fire didn’t extend into the residence,” Chatman told East Portland News. In less than ten minutes, the blaze was out, and firefighters began the task of probing for and pulling out live embers and charred material.

Although the residence wasn’t damaged by fire, smoke damage made the home inhabitable until it could be cleaned.

“No one was injured in the fire; American Red Cross was called to provide temporary clothing and supplies for the three adults and two children displaced by the fire,” Chatman said. The cause of the garage blaze has not yet been announced.

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