INCLUDES COLORFUL VIDEO | Take a look at all the blooms at this show! You’ll see why this exposition is a really big deal …
Both growers and admirers flock to the 2024 Portland Dahlia Society Annual Show, held in the Oaks Amusement Park Dance Pavilion.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Although it was late in the growing season, the historic Oaks Amusement Park Dance Pavilion was abuzz, as exhibitors from four states – Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and California – arrived to display their blooms at the Portland Dahlia Society (PDS) Annual Show held on October 5 and 6.
Take our video tour of this vibrant, multihued show:
Row upon row of tables were laden with many of the 42 recognized species of dahlias.
As well, a number of the 57,000 registered varieties – in a wide range of colors, including white, yellow, orange, red, and purple – were on display.
Portland Dahlia Society Public Relations Director Larry Smith spends a moment with the society’s president, Dan Baulig.
“Our show features a total of 1,795 blooms,” PDS spokesperson Larry Smith exclaimed on the opening day of the show. “This number of blossoms makes this year’s show one of the most successful in recent memory!
“Changes in the climate have made it challenging to produce quality blooms by our traditional late-August show date – so the Society decided to move our show to early September,” Smith told East Portland News on opening day. But then, due to September date conflicts with the American Dahlia Society National Show, this regional exhibition was finally moved to the end of the season in early October.
Tallying the judges’ scorecards, here are Sarah Romanek and Karen Sanchez.
Bob Schroeder and Terry Schroeder from Bremerton, Washington, show their top prize-winning entry – “Westerton Ella Grace” – which was adjudged the Best Single Fully-Double in Show.
In addition to seeing all the exhibits, many attendees specifically came to talk with the experienced dahlia growers, who were on hand to get answers and tips about growing dahlias.
Although it’s late in the growing season, there’s hardly enough room in the Oaks Amusement Park Dance Pavilion to display all of the blooms, here at the 2024 Portland Dahlia Society Annual Show.
“Still, the quality of the blooms shown is – well – simply amazing,” extolled Smith. “Our biggest challenge was finding enough room on tables to display them all, including more than forty dahlia arrangements.”
Learn more about the Portland Dahlia Society by visiting their official website: CLICK HERE.
>> On our Front Page: Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers Accredited Judge Susan Derry evaluates a bloom during the Portland Dahlia Society Annual Show.
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