‘Really big band’ plays at Brentwood-Darlington Movie in the Park

Many East Portland ‘Summer Free for All’ events featured music. Here’s where a big marching band was what provided the tunes; and there was a movie, too …

Families start to gather in Brentwood Park for the Summer Free for All movie.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

Of the Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) Summer Free for All events, not many have offered live music at their Movie in the Park in our neighborhoods. It’s either movie OR music.

However, the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Association (BDNA) made sure their guests enjoyed both at their July 21 evening in Brentwood Park.

The Beat Goes On Marching Band has the brass to play well-known tunes.

Before PP&R showed Rogue One: A Star Wars Story on their big outdoor screen — with stereo sound — the crowed was wowed by popular tunes played by The Beat Goes On Marching Band.

“Not to disappoint anyone, but in this case, we’ll be standing still while playing, not marching around,” the band’s conductor warned the audience.

BDNA Board Member Kimberly Dileo, Chair Stephenie Frederick, and Treasurer Pam Hodge greet the families coming to this summer evening show.

“We’re happy to be here welcoming people from our neighborhood – as well as families from other areas,” BDNA Chair Stephenie Frederick told THE BEE East Portland News.

“In addition to having Portland Parks and Recreation represented here, we also have a recycling education organization present, our Neighborhood Emergency Team, and the Multnomah County Master Gardeners as well, all tabling,” Frederick said.

This marching band shows they know how to get the audience up and dancing.

“When people get together, as they are tonight, they start remembering what it was like before the COVID pandemic, and how much fun it was to do things together, outdoors,” Frederick remarked. “We’ve lost the habit of getting together; and, I think this is a lovely way to bring people back to the way we used to be.”

Before the movie begins, the Wong family says they’re enjoying their time in Brentwood Park.

Learn more about the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Association by visiting their website: CLICK HERE.

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