Princess Becci to represent Parkrose High in 2010 Portland Rose Festival

See exclusive photos of her selection ceremony, and learn why she says she’s looking forward to representing Northeast outer East Portland during this year’s citywide festivities …

Parkrose High School’s Principal, Ana Gonzalez, greets students who fill the school’s Theater for the 2010 Portland Rose Festival Princess Selection Ceremony.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
The Parkrose High School Theater was packed with students and family members, as the school’s 2010 Portland Rose Festival Princess Selection Ceremony began promptly at 2:35 p.m. on March 11.

“We welcome students, family members and dignitaries,” smiled Principal Ana Gonzalez, “to this, our 24th Princess Selection Ceremony.”

The Master of Ceremonies, Parkrose High student Nathan Clements, got right into the program by introducing the five-member Parkrose High School Court.

Cheers ring out as candidates from the Parkrose High School Court – Bryanna Phillips, Rebecca “Becci” Read, Yian Saechao, Molly Voorhees, and Belinda Washington – are introduced to the audience.

The 2009 Portland Rose Festival Parkrose Princess, Ciara Dines, addresses the audience and advises this year’s candidates.

Stepping up to the podium, the school’s 2009 Portland Rose Festival Princess, Ciara Dines, received a warm welcome from the audience. “My advice to you is to experience every moment, and enjoy it to the fullest. Either running to be selected, or being a Portland Rose Festival Princess, is a great experience. I thank you for choosing me [last year] and giving me the opportunity to represent Parkrose.”

Tension builds to the announcement this year’s Parkrose Princess.

Princess Becci Read acknowledges her selection.

Introducing Princess Becci Read
As her first act as 2010 Portland Rose Festival Parkrose Princess, Becci Read stepped up to the microphone and spoke to the audience.

“Thank you so much for this opportunity,” Princess Becci said. “I know that so many of you told me that I could do it. You supported me throughout this. I just want to say thank you again. I really appreciate your support….”

Princess Becci Read greets her subjects during the Selection Ceremony.

Immediately after she was selected, Princess Becci told us, “The important thing about this, is the great experience of being involved in the selection process. And, more important [than that] has been getting to know the other candidates.  They have all been really supportive. It’s an amazing experience; I think everyone should be involved [in some way], if they can.”

Princess Becci said she was a “Parkrose girl, through-and-through” – having attending Sacramento Elementary, Parkrose Middle School, and now Parkrose High School.

“I look forward to representing Parkrose at the 2010 Portland Rose Festival; I want to show Portland how amazing Parkrose is,” Princess Becci said. “We are an awesome school, even though we are way out here in outer east Portland.”

Princess Becci Read poses for her first portrait with her court: Belinda Washington, Bryanna Phillips, Molly Voorhees, and Yian Saechao.

Princess Becci Read, a Parkrose High senior, plans to attend Pacific University and practice pediatric physical therapy. She’s involved in the National Honor Society, Varsity Volleyball (4 years), Student Government, Mock Trial, and Outdoor School.

She lists club volleyball, running, tutoring, and baby-sitting as her activities and hobbies.

Here’s our own formal portrait of Princess Becci of Parkrose!

Each selected Princess will be awarded a $3,500 scholarship, courtesy of The Randall Group; Pacific Power provides a mentoring program of female executives who are matched with the court members, as well as being a sponsor of the Queen’s Coronation.

Tickets for the 2010 Queen’s Coronation are on sale now, online: CLICK HERE to view the website to make your purchase – or to gain more information about all of this year’s Rose Festival festivities.

© 2010 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News

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