Porch fire scorches Lents house

If firefighters hadn’t quickly quenched this fire, this outer East Portland house might have burned down …

Firefighters and their rigs fill a Lents neighborhood street, when a porch catches fire and starts to scorch the house.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

Neighbors at home at 11:47 a.m. on May 1 took notice when a fire, which started on the porch at 6211 SE 87th Avenue, quickly extended upward into the eaves, which brought in multiple Portland Fire & Rescue (PF&R) units.

“I’m sure glad they got here right away, or that house would have burned up, for sure,” said neighbor Elmer Crowder.

Within a few minutes, eight units had arrived from six fire stations. The crew of Lents Station Engine 11 pulled their water lines and began to attack the fire, while other firefighters checked the house for victims.

Leaving a main water line and their “booster” hose pressurized, a firefighter starts picking up an unused additional hose.

Finding that all of the occupants had safely escaped, the crews focused on putting out the blaze. The crew of Mill Park Station 7’s Ladder Truck clambered  up onto the roof, and cut away the overhanging burning eaves.

A firefighter looks for smoldering embers on the burned-out shell of a porch of the house.

Soon, the fire was out, and a portable high velocity fan was venting smoke from the structure.

“The fire is under investigation,” PP&R Public Information Officer Lt. Rich Chatman told East Portland News. “While it may not apply to this porch fire, make sure any smoking material is always disposed of in a proper non-combustible container with a lid.”

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