Parkrose volunteers ‘step up’ – again

Here’s why this outer East Portland ‘pop-up pantry’ changed locations; and see what they’ve added ...

-1 Helping to keep everyone safe by providing face masks for those who forgot to wear one – and hand sanitizer – here’s Colise Johnson at the entrance of the October 24 Parkrose Stepping Up!

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

After starting in June, and operating a monthly “pop-up pantry” on Saturdays in the parking lot of Parkrose Hardware on NE Sandy Boulevard, organizer Terry Murphy moved the October 24 Parkrose Stepping Up! – but not far; just over to Prescott Elementary School.

“We moved here because the stores, who were so gracious to us, are moving into their Holiday Season,” explained Murphy.

Parkrose Stepping Up! organizer Terry Murphy spends a moment with volunteer Zion Bentley of SCI.

At the public pantry, fresh produce, meats, and dairy products were abundant – stacked in the playground behind the school. Folks who came by were again serenaded by the Parkrose Stepping Up! Band – making for a lively soundtrack for the event.

“With winter weather quickly approaching, now we’re under the cover of the playground shelter. And, we’ve added warm clothing – including coats, hats, gloves, scarves, and even some shoes – to the food,” Murphy pointed out.

Attendees look through an abundance of clean, ready-to-wear winter clothing for their families.

Helping distribute grocery bags is the Self Enhancement Inc. Prescott SUN School Site Manager, Michelle Braxton-Williams.

“And, while we’ve been supported by Portland Police Bureau’s Sunshine Division and many local Parkrose businesses from the start, we’re here today with a new partner, Self Enhancement Inc.’s Prescott SUN School,” Murphy told East Portland News.

Many volunteers from several organizations make this “community pantry” possible; not only during the event itself, but also before it – with some unpacking and organizing the clothing, and with others bagging foo – so it’s ready to go, the coordinator explained.

These three volunteers, Parkrose Neighborhood Association Chair Annette Stanhope, Oregon House Majority Leader Barbara Smith Warner (D) – District 45, and her legislative assistant, Lucy Amanda Williams are all helping out today.

“I especially want to recognize the Historic Parkrose Neighborhood Prosperity Initiative district that really helps make everything happen, including helping us search for a ‘winter’ location for our events,” lauded Murphy.

Parkrose Stepping Up! Supporters Honor Roll of area supporters grows:

Historic Parkrose NPI
Grocery Outlet ~ Heritage Specialty Foods
Oregon Health Authority ~ Oregon Food Bank
Parkrose Hardware ~ Parkrose School District
Blazing Stitches ~ SignsNow ~ Irwin Hodson
Linguava ~ Inkberry Print and Promotional
Portland Police Bureau Sunshine Division
The Pongo Fund ~ Urban Animal Pet Services
Dollar Tree

Helping distribute boxes of fresh vegetables is volunteer Myrna Rudolph.

Parkrose Stepping Up! holds a drive-up, pop-up pantry
November 21
From 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m., Parkrose Stepping Up! will hosting another “pop-up pantry”, providing an opportunity for neighbors in need of food, pet food and basic supplies to be served. At 1:00 p.m. a band will play live music for all to enjoy.

Again, they’re also partnering with the Self Enhancement Inc. SUN Schools organization, and hope to have warm gloves and hats.

Note: This time, they also plan to offer “drive-up service” along NE 105th Avenue.

They’ll again be at Prescott Elementary School, at 10410 NE Prescott Street, 97220. For more information, and to volunteer or donate goods, contact Terry Murphy at

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