See how these outer East Portland neighbors are ‘stepping up’ to help others …
Neighbors in need come to inaugural Parkrose Stepping Up “pop-up food bank”, and find welcoming volunteers ready to give them food and supplies.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Inclement weather didn’t stop a hearty group of Parkrose area volunteers from coming out to help their community on Saturday afternoon, June 20, to give out needed items at a pop-up food bank – while providing education about the COVID-19 coronavirus, and giving away free face masks.
Gathered under canopies along NE Sandy Boulevard, in the Parkrose Hardware parking lot, members of a newly formed group – Parkrose Stepping Up – had bags of dry goods, boxes of fresh foods, and even pet food, ready to give to those in need.
Parkrose Stepping Up organizer Terry Murphy carries in another box of fresh food.
“I’ve started this thing because, to me, it is really important that we all come together,” said the organizer, Parkrose resident Terry Murphy.
“We’re very newly-formed – we’ve only just created the Parkrose Stepping Up logo you see on our volunteer aprons – and today we’re ‘working the bugs out’ of our system, and I hope this will the first of many events like this,” Murphy told East Portland News.
From Heritage Specialty Foods, located just west of the pup-up pantry, here’s Kim Tester passing out out quarts of their delicious tomato bisque and pasta foozle soups.
The organizer said he lives nearby, on NE Prescott Street, which is one of the reasons he feels invested in the area.
“I’m taking time to do this as my response of all the ‘bad news’ happening – and I had enough of that,” Murphy explained.
Stepping up to help are volunteers Annette Stanhope, Leah Maurer, Eve Soto, and Tamie Celorie.
“I believe we need to do something positive – especially for this community, where there a lot of people who need food and supplies,” Murphy remarked. “I decided this is something that I can actually do, with the help of my neighbors.”
When asked what the best possible outcome from doing this might be, Murphy paused for a moment before answering. “That’s a salient question you pose; as I see it, I would call it trying to create ‘community cohesion’ by helping to feed some people, and hopefully, to bring some spirits up.”
Happy to help are these volunteers at the first Parkrose Stepping Up event.
Parkrose Stepping Up is being created with a combination of efforts from the Historic Parkrose Neighborhood Prosperity Initiative, and the Parkrose Neighborhood Association.
Honor roll of sponsors
Irwin Hodson ~ The Pongo Fund
Parkrose Grocery Outlet Bargain Market
Portland Police Bureau Sunshine Division
Historic Parkrose ~ Heritage Specialty Foods
Blazing Stitches Embroidery & Screen Printing
Signs Now NW ~ Dollar Tree
Murphy said he’d let us know when they’re doing their next Parkrose Stepping Up event; we’ll list it in our Community Calendar.
© 2020 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News™