Discover why Portland’s Police Chief selected these two officers and eight citizens to receive the bureau’s Commendation Medal …
Standing in front: Portland Police Bureau Chief Rosie Sizer and Sgt. John Anderson; behind them are Jack Menashe, Officer Greg Baldwin, Joe and Nick Rossi (accepting on behalf of their mother, Irene), Rex Hollingsworth, Bryan Ackerman, LeeAnn Bruner, Jeff Brooke, and Bud Bartunek, as they receive the Portland Police Bureau’s Commendation Medal.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
In a December, 200, article, we took you to the Spirit of Portland Awards, at which Portland Police Bureau (PPB) East Precinct Sgt. John Anderson and Officer Greg Baldwin were honored for helping to create a police substation in Parkrose. (CLICK HERE to read that article.)
These outer East Portland cops, along with nine citizens and the companies they represent, were given another accolade at the Police Bureau’s biannual award ceremony, held in the Horner Auditorium of the David Douglas Performing Arts Center on January 14.
Police Chief Rosie Sizer congratulated the recipients on stage, as retiring Public Information Officer Cathe Kent explained why the honorees were given this award.
“From August 2007 to January 2008, Portland Police Sergeant John Anderson and Officer Greg Baldwin spent countless hours after work and on their days off working to develop a community contact office in the Parkrose area of Portland. In September 2007, a location directly off Sandy Boulevard was donated by Mrs. Irene Rossi of Rossi Family Farms for $1 per year,” Kent announced.
With awards in hand, proud Parkrose awardees return to their seats to enjoy the remainder of the ceremony.
Kent continued, “Due to the fact that there was no money to build the office, Sgt. Anderson and Officer Baldwin reached out to the Parkrose community who gladly rallied their resources, donated materials, and volunteered their time to assist with the completion of the project.”
Without the generosity of the following community businesses, Kent added, the project would not have become a reality:
- Parkrose Hardware,
- Rex Heating and Air Conditioning,
- Western Pacific Building Materials,
- Surface Flooring,
- LA Signs, and
- The International Union of Painters and Allied Trades Union Local #10.
For their dedication, generosity, commitment, and support to community policing, each of the honorees was awarded the Portland Police Bureau’s Commendation Medal.
© 2009 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News