Parkrose ‘Can Clan’ continues collections this summer

See why you should gather up your bottles and cans for their ‘round-up’ on Saturday …

Members of the State Champion winning Parkrose High Dance Team help out during the July Parkrose can drive.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
A mighty band of volunteers continue the tradition started years ago by “Parkrose Can Man” Dave Luce – by continuing to raise funds through taking in and redeeming return-deposit bottles and cans.

Even though their can drive is usually the first Saturday of the month, the Independence Day holiday weekend delayed it a week, until July 12.

Noted Maywood Park photographer Patrick F Smith helps student volunteers sort bottles and cans.

“So far today, I think we have collected about $700 worth of cans and bottles,” said Parkrose Bronco Boosters Can Collection organizer Patty Meighen. “And, it’s all because people from the community are bringing in a bag or two of redeemable bottles or a couple cases of empty beer bottles, each.”

All that adds up to thousands of dollars to help fund activities at the school, she remarked.

“As your readers know, thanks to your Community Calendar, we’ve been doing the can drive every month this summer, at the Parkrose High School east parking lot,” Meighen told East Portland News.

“Once the Parkrose Middle School opens up in September, we’ll move back in front of the school over there,” she added.

Volunteers Darren Reed and Jean Jolin lend organizer Patty Meighen a hand.

With Dave “Can Man” Luce not being able to continue doing the bulk barrel can collections, and “Captain Bob” Jolin having to step back from the effort as well, Meighen said they’re looking for adults to help out, in addition to the student groups.

“This is a volunteer effort that occurs just once a month,” Meighen pointed out. “So, we need to find someone who can help us transport the collected cans, and also to empty and collect the blue barrels Dave Luce has placed in businesses.”

The Parkrose High Dance Team shows off some of the deposit-return bottles and cans they’ve help collect.

Those barrels bring in abut $10,000 for the Parkrose High Senior All-night Party, Meighen reminded. “We could be in a ‘world of hurt’ if we can’t find someone to do that. Dave said we could still use his barn for storage and sorting – but its time for somebody else to step up and help out.”

So, if you’re looking for a way to serve the community, contact Meighen at her e-mail address, “It’s a great way to give back. And remember, empties are very lightweight!”

The next Parkrose Boosters Pop Can Drive is Saturday, August 2, 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Take your deposit-return cans and bottles with you to help support their community educational efforts. It’s now in the Parkrose High School “Library Parking lot” – the eastern lot, on NE Shaver Street – the one nearest NE 122nd Avenue.

On our Front Page: Bob Meighen stacks cans collected during July’s Bronco Bottle and Can Drive.

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