This year, the festivities started at Parkrose High School. Meet their 2014 Princess Chazmyne Brown …
Every seat in the Parkrose High School Theater is filled, as the 2014 Portland Rose Festival Princess Selection program begins.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Bronco Spirit was alive, as students and staff filled the Parkrose High Theater on March 5 for the official start of the 2014 Portland Rose Festival Princess Selection program. It was just after 1:00 p.m.
After welcoming announcements, the 2014 Parkrose Princess Court came out from behind the curtain. Cheers and applause greeted the candidates: Chazmyne Brown, Erica Evans, Kristy Lu, and Sarah Li.
Here is the Portland Rose Festival 2014 Parkrose Princess Court: Chazmyne Brown, Erica Evans, Kristy Lu, and Sarah Li.
Before arriving on stage, the young women submitted a written application, gave speeches to the Parkrose High student body, and were interviewed and vetted for the position. Clearly, any of the four would have been well-qualified to represent their school.
The audience cheered as they saw the 2013 Parkrose Princess, Kyeanna Henry, step to the podium on stage.
2013 Parkrose Princess Kyeanna Henry addresses the students at her school.
“I remember last year, I was standing on this stage,” Princess Kyeanna began. “My heart was racing as I gave my speech to all of you. Today I don’t have those butterflies in my stomach. One year ago, you selected me to be your 2013 Portland Rose Festival Princess. Serving as your Parkrose representative has been one of the greatest experiences of my life.
“Through being on the Portland Rose Festival Court, I have developed confidence in myself, met so many inspirational goals, and gained 14 ‘sisters’ – who are some of the greatest people you’ll ever meet,” Princess Kyeanna continued.
The Parkrose Rose Festival Princess Court listens, while 2013 Parkrose Princess Kyeanna Henry tells of her experiences.
“The Portland Rose Festival is more than amazing scholarship. It is more than the 12-hour travel days. And, it so much more than smiling and waving and parades. The Portland Rose Festival is a family. It is an experience like none other. It’s something that you’d really have to experience for yourself to know.”
She continued, “My experience is coming to a close. I’m happy to pass this crown on to one of these lovely and talented ladies. Each and every one of these candidates has done a wonderful job and has earned my respect.”
Placing the tiara on her head shows that 19-year-old Chazmyne Brown will represent Bronco Spirit during the 2014 Portland Rose Festival.
Portland Rose Festival 2014 Parkrose High School Princess Chazmyne Brown greets her royal subjects.
“I would just like to say ‘thank you so much’ for supporting all of us on the Court,” were the first words of Portland Rose Festival 2014 Parkrose High School Princess Chazmyne Brown, after she received that crown.
“All of us, the entire Parkrose Court, truly thank you. And, for me, I would like to say thank you for all the kindness and help. I don’t know if I could have done this without your support,” Princess Chazmyne said.
Seated is Portland Rose Festival 2014 Parkrose High School Princess Chazmyne Brown with her court standing with her: Erica Evans, Sarah Li, and Kristy Lu.
After dozens of shutters snapped photos of the new Parkrose Court, Princess Chazmyne spoke with East Portland News.
“To me, the most important thing about representing the Broncos is being able to really express and reflect the values of our school, as well as my own personal values. I’m really excited for getting started to show what Parkrose Broncos Spirit is really like.”
Princess Chazmyne defined those values: “The first is definitely diversity – it’s the number one thing going for Parkrose. There are many different cultures from which our students come. I am of ‘mixed’ ethnicity myself, and it’s important to let people know that diversity is something we value here at Parkrose.”
She plans to pursue a music/performing arts degree, and play in a professional orchestra, Princess Chazmyne confided.
“The thing that I am most proud of during the four years that I have attended Parkrose is my level of perseverance. Through all difficulties, I was not only able to survive, but became an even better and stronger person. I’m confident that I can reach my goals.”
Congratulations to Portland Rose Festival Parkrose Broncos’ representative Princess Chazmyne!
Plan now to cheer on your 2014 Parkrose Broncos Portland Rose Festival Princess Chazmyne Brown on Saturday, June 7, when the selection of this year’s Rose Festival Queen’s Coronation gets underway at 8:00 a.m. in Portland Veteran’s Memorial Coliseum, just before the Grand Floral Parade.
For more information, see the official Portland Rose Festival website: CLICK HERE.
© 2014 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News