See who was recognized at the latest Portland Police Bureau award ceremony – and why …
Portland Police Bureau Public Information Officer Sgt. Pete Simpson welcomes honorees and guests to the Bureau’s awards program, and serves as master of ceremonies for the event.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Normally, the Horner Performing Arts Center Theater is filled to capacity when the Portland Police Bureau (PPB) presents awards to officers, staff and civilians. But the June 30 event was a bit more lightly attended than usual, due to multiple emerging situations that afternoon.
The PPB Color Guard opens the Police Bureau awards ceremony.
PPB East Precinct Commander Bill Walker fills in for Chief Reese at the event.
Only days before his announced retirement, PPB East Precinct Commander Bill Walker was the one to welcome everyone to the ceremony. “Chief Reece was scheduled to be present. Unfortunately, he’s involved in an incident in Central Precinct he cannot be here today.”
Walker continued, “We are here today recognizing citizens and officers in the City of Portland who help us protect our freedom, and protect citizens of Portland on a daily basis.”
Walker went on to present awards to honorees, as Simpson told why each candidate was selected. Here are some of the more notable awards presented at that program.
Certificate of Appreciation
Police Cadets
Representatives of law enforcement cadets from Portland, Gresham, and Clackamas County receive honors on behalf of their respective units.
“On June 12th, 2010, and on June 11, 2011, Police Cadets from the Portland Police Bureau, Clackamas County Police Cadets, and the Gresham Police Department Cadets responded to a request for assisting in the staffing of the Grand Floral Parades. Seventeen cadets staffed thirteen barricade positions throughout the parade route. Due to their participation, the Bureau was able to re-assign fifteen sworn officers to other duties.
“As Portland Police Bureau Cadets, you conducted yourselves professionally, and helped a complex event come together smoothly. It is through joint cooperation in major events such as the Grand Floral Parade that we are reminded we are all working together to provide a safe environment for the public we serve.
“For all your work, dedication, and professionalism – Portland Police Bureau Cadets, Clackamas County Police Cadets, and Gresham Police Department Cadets – you are hereby awarded the Certificate of Appreciation.
Unit Commendation Medal
Portland Police Cadet Advisor Team
Officers who lead the Portland Police Cadet Program learn why they’re being honored at this ceremony.
“The Portland Police Cadet Program consists of young adults ranging in age from 16 to 21 years who have an interest in law enforcement. Currently there are 60 cadets in the program. The Cadet Advisors volunteer countless hours of their own time to mentor and guide the cadets through this program.
“They hold weekly cadet meetings, organize the 15-week cadet academy, and work the annual Law Enforcement Challenge with the cadets. The Advisors make themselves available to the cadets 24 hours a day, and in so doing, strong bonds are built between them. The cadets often look to the advisors for help with personal issues in their lives, These Advisors have a great impact on the lives of these young adults.
“The Cadet Program has been so successful that in recent years approximately 10 cadets have gone on to be hired by the Portland Police Bureau, and 2 by other departments.
“In recognition of your commitment and dedication to this program, the Portland Police Cadet Advisor Team is hereby awarded the Unit Commendation Medal.”
Unit Commendation Medal
Employee Assistance Program Teams
Representatives from the PPB Traumatic Incident Committee (TIC), the Peer Support and Family Support Teams, the Police Alcohol and Recovery Team (PART), and Chaplains, are recognized with awards. Commander Walker shakes the hand of East Precinct Officer Michael Gallagher before he exits the stage with his certificate.
“The Portland Police Bureau Employee Assistance Program (EAP) consists of both sworn and non-sworn members, as well as Chaplains and Bureau family members. EAP is broken down into the Peer Support Team, the Traumatic Incident Team, Police Alcohol and Recovery Team, the Family Support Team, and Chaplains. The objective of EAP is to assist fellow Police Bureau members in times of distress, whether personal or work related, whether emotional or physical.
“Each team has a role where they have expertise in specific situations. All EAP members are volunteers, they are accepted into the program because they are respected by their peers, are able to communicate effectively, can be trusted with confidential information, and they are compassionate and caring people.
“EAP members must each undergo initial training, and attend the annual training sessions held by EAP organizers to ensure that members have both the tools and resources needed, when called upon.
“EAP team members are often asked by outside agencies to help when their departments have experienced a critical incident. Most recently the team has helped the Rainier Police Department after the death of their Chief, and the Eugene Police Department following the death of one of their officers.
“In recognition of your dedication, compassion, and contributions to the Employee Assistance Program, these members are hereby awarded the Unit Commendation Medal.”
We learned later that members of the Traumatic Incident Committee were out serving on that West Portland incident during the awards ceremony that day.
Achievement Medal
Detective Mark Georgioff and Detective Jeff Bender
Detectives Mark Georgioff and Jeff Bender are presented an award for their part in busting a big outer East Portland theft ring.
> To see where this story ended, in Parkrose, see our report of February 17th: CLICK HERE.
“In June of 2010, a Port of Portland employee reported a car prowl in progress to the Port of Portland Police. During the investigation, a jacket belonging to the suspect was found in the victim’s truck. Inside the jacket pocket was a U-Haul rental receipt. The U-Haul truck was located in the parking area of a Holiday Inn Hotel. On the seat was a cardboard box filled with laptops and other electronic equipment, and under the seat was a partially-exposed handgun.”
“Detectives Mark Georgioff and Jeff Bender were called to the scene and began investigating. The U-Haul was towed to police impound, and a storage facility was located associated with the U-Haul truck. The investigation also led to a house in Estacada where detectives recovered stolen vehicles, weapons, tools, and construction equipment. By August, detectives had recovered over $300,000 in stolen property, with the suspect making a plea deal of 120 months in prison.
“During the investigation the detectives also uncovered an associate of the suspect who was selling methamphetamine and running a crew of people who would steal from Safeway, Albertsons, and QFC stores, and then sell the stolen items on eBay. It was estimated that this group had sold 2 million dollars worth of stolen property over a period of two years. Ultimately, 10 people were arrested on various charges in connection with this case.
“In recognition of your professionalism, commitment, and diligence, Detective Mark Georgioff and Detective Jeff Bender, you are here by awarded the Achievement Medal.”
Distinguished Service Medal
Officer Gary Manougian
In an upcoming article, you’ll see why they call Officer Gary Manougian “Portland Cop #1”. He couldn’t attend the awards ceremony – he was out with the Traumatic Incident Team; this photo was taken during own our ride-along.
“Officer Gary Manougian joined the Portland Police Bureau in October 1976. Over the course of his career, he has made a positive and lasting impact on the Police Bureau and the citizens of Portland. For the past 35 years Officer Manougian has assisted the Portland Police Bureau specifically in the areas of crime prevention and public relations.
“Officer Manougian has been a district officer in East and Southeast Precincts, serving the citizens of Mt. Tabor and Montavilla for over 30 years, and has received numerous commendations and letters of appreciation citing his calm demeanor and exceptional communication skills. Most recently in 2008, Officer Manougian was able to negotiate with an extremely paranoid belligerent subject threatening to set his house on fire. After a tense 30 minute time period, the subject emerged from the basement to be taken into custody – still holding the lit butane torch he had planned to use.
“In 1998 Officer Manougian was appointed lead for the mobile computer replacement project, working in every aspect of the transition. In 2009 he was involved with the second mobile computer replacement project, and in 2011 he became a trainer for the new v-CAD system, offering ongoing tech support in the field for users. He has been a member of the TIC Team since the mid 1990’s and served as coordinator for more than seven years.
“In recognition of your hard work, compassion, and years of dedication to the community you serve – Officer Gary Manougian, you are here awarded the Distinguished Service Medal!”
Distinguished Service Medal
Police Administrative Support Specialist Arlene Martinez
Known and beloved by the many folks she’s worked with in outer East Portland, Arlene Martinez accepts congratulations from Commander Walker.
“Police Administrative Support Specialist Arlene Martinez started her career with the Portland Police Bureau on July 23, 1979. In her nearly-32-years of service, she has shown great dedication to the men and women of the Bureau, as well as the citizens of Portland.
“Ms. Martinez has worked in several Divisions since her career started; she has been with Fiscal Services, Crime Prevention, Detective, and Strategic Services Divisions. She has been assigned to East Precinct for the past 11 years.
“Her interpersonal skills are what set her apart. During her tenure at East Precinct she has coordinated the ‘trunk technicians’ – a group of volunteers who clean and organize the patrol car trunks. She is also a person who employees look to for her experience; she is always willing to help out, whether by providing food during a Precinct SERT call-out, or by filling in during personnel shortages.
“Ms. Martinez is genuinely interested in helping others. She is quick to volunteer to help at community events such as Prescription Drug Take-back Day, National Night Out, or Sunshine Division food box delivery.
“Arlene Martinez, in recognition of your nearly-32-year career, your dedication to the Portland Police Bureau and your spirit of community policing, you are hereby awarded the Distinguished Service Medal.”
Portland’s Commissioner of Police, Mayor Sam Adams, applauds the awardees at the June ceremony.
Police Medal
Sergeant Randy Teig
Although he was unable to attend the ceremony, we’re including his story of heroism in outer East Portland.
“On December 31, 2010 Sergeant Randy Teig observed smoke coming from an apartment complex at 162nd Avenue. As he drove into the complex, BOEC broadcast that Portland Fire was responding to that location. Sergeant Teig saw thick smoke coming from one of the apartments, and ran to the adjacent apartments, knocking on doors to evacuate the residents.
“As Sergeant Teig cleared the last apartment, he observed someone running up the stairs toward the burning apartment with a small fire extinguisher. Sergeant Teig heard small explosions coming from the apartment and he ran up the stairs in an effort to stop the subject from opening the door to the burning apartment. Knowing that opening the door would allow fresh oxygen to fuel the fire, Sergeant Teig grabbed the subject getting him down the stairs and out of harm’s way.
“As Sergeant Teig was descending the stairs, there was an exposition from the burning apartment, smoke and debris engulfed him and he suffered smoke inhalation. At the bottom of the stairs Sergeant Teig noticed another subject in an apartment directly below the burning apartment. He ran to that subject telling him to get out of the area. As they were both leaving, once again smoke and debris surrounded him.
“Sergeant Teig was transported to Portland Adventist Hospital where he was treated for smoke inhalation.
“For your bravery, and selfless dedication to the safety of others performing your duty while injured, Sergeant Randy Teig, you are hereby awarded the Police Medal.
© 2011 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News