The unbroken string of weeks in which shootings occur continue, this time with gunfire in the Centennial and Powellhurst-Gilbert neighborhoods – both on the same day …
Police are called to more gun violence incidents in outer East Portland, again this week.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
It’s been weeks – in fact months – since outer East Portland has gone without any shooting incident, especially since the Commissioner of Police, Mayor Ted Wheeler, urged on by members of the Portland City Council, disbanded the Portland Police Bureau (PPB) Gun Violence Reduction Team.
Unlike last week, in which more than a dozen shootings were documented, this week’s mayhem compendium featured “only” two incidents – but each one left a gunshot victim, unlike some of the shots-fired incidents last week.
September 22 – 5:48 p.m.
Woman shot in Centennial neighborhood
Police and emergency medical first responders are called to a shooting in this otherwise quiet neighborhood.
Close to the northwest corner of the Powell Butte Nature Park, on SE Center Street just west of 146th Avenue, PPB East Precinct officers were sent to investigate a shooting in a home.
“When officers arrived on scene, they found an adult female victim with gunshot wounds; the victim was transported to an area hospital by ambulance, and was said to have suffered a serious physical injury,” confirmed PPB Public Information Officer Melissa Newhard.
Officers stand watch as detectives investigate the shooting.
Officers secured the crime scene, and PPB Detective Division investigators were called in.
“The suspect involved in this incident has been detained; so, given the circumstances of the incident, there is not now considered to be a threat to the community,” Newhard added.
An update will be provided, if appropriate to the investigation.
September 22 – 9:47 p.m.
One wounded in Powellhurst-Gilbert shooting
A PPB detective walks into a crime scene, just east of SE 122nd Avenue.
PPB East Precinct officers were dispatched to a residence Just east of SE 122nd Avenue on SE Kelly Street on reports of a shooting.
Officers found an adult male victim with a gunshot wound; the victim was transported to an area hospital by ambulance,” said PPB’s Newhard. “The victim’s injuries are thought to be non-life threatening.”
Waiting to be able to return to his home down the street was Jacob Newcomb. “I wish I could say it’s a surprise; but, it seems like there shootings and gun battles every day, with people getting murdered or maimed.
No suspects have been detained for that shooting at this time, Newhard told us.
If anyone has information about either of these shootings, and has not already been contacted by investigators, they are asked to call the non-emergency line at 503-823-3333.
© 2020 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News™