From Parkrose, Argay Terrace, and beyond, here’s what job seekers found at this outer East Portland job fair …
These company representatives are taking a brief break from speaking with prospective employees at this year’s “Career & Resource Fair”, hosted by the Mt. Hood Community College Maywood Campus.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Those looking for a job – or for a new career – were invited to a “Career & Resource Fair” at the Mt. Hood Community College Maywood Campus on June 7.
Located in the City of Maywood Park – an independent community that is surrounded by the City of Portland – this small MHCC campus was well situated to serve outer East Portland job seekers.
The host for the event, Mt. Hood Community College Career Development Coordinator Jennifer McNeil, says this is the place where workers and employers can connect.
“We’re pleased to be here at our Maywood campus, holding this ‘Career and Resource Fair’ in association with the Historic Parkrose Neighborhood Prosperity Initiative District,” said Mt. Hood Community College Career Development Coordinator Jennifer McNeil.
“This is an important employment event, because we’re helping to make a connection between our campus in our community,” McNeil told East Portland News. “And, it is great to connect with employers who are looking for workers while, at the same time, also connecting our community members with nonprofit and community organizations who can provide helpful resources.”
Telling about their open job positions are Jamar Pelletier and Monika Leathers of Renew Consulting, Inc.
At the fair, McNeil pointed out that there was a good mix of organizations and businesses that have open positions; in all, about 40 exhibitors came to host a table.
“Already today, we’ve seen people who are looking for work making connections, and becoming employed, here at our career fair,” McNeil said.
To learn more about Mt. Hood Community College Maywood Campus programs, CLICK HERE.
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