OMSI’s ‘Science Week’ culminates in ‘Festival of Science’

INCLUDES ZIPPY VIDEO TOUR | Take a look at some of what was offered that attracted hundreds from outer East Portland to the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry’s annual science celebration …

During the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry’s “Oregon Science Festival”, families come to learn about a wide variety of STEAM topics from experts.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

Not long ago, the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) was bustling with activities during their second annual “Science Week” – which culminated with their three-day  “Oregon Science Festival”, ending on September 15.

This OMSI Festival featured some 60 partner booths, science demonstrations by OMSI educators, and events and workshops all focused on STEAM (an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) topics all over its campus.

Greeting guests in OMSI’s front plaza is Ty Jackson with Hiss & Hers, showing Ghirdorah, a Costa Rican green iguana.

Topics demonstrated and explained by experts ranged from medicinal plants to live reptiles, solar cars, a sound engineering display, and even a demonstration called “The Science and Art of Roller Skating” led by Oaks Park Roller Rink staff instructors.

Welcoming visitors to their second annual “Oregon Science Festival” is OMSI Director of Events Melony Beaird.

“All of our exhibitors are providing some type of hands-on activity – across the museum, plaza, courtyard, and esplanade,” pointed out OMSI Director of Events Melony Beaird.

See people having fun with some of the many exhibits and displays at this year’s Festival:

“We have beekeepers, robotics engineers, puzzle designers, farmers, crafters, and experts in fossils, clean energy, aerospace engineering, and many other subjects, who are glad to share their knowledge with guests,” Beaird enumerated.”

Showing plants at their “Medicinal Plants Petting Zoo” are Lan Su Chinese Garden Community Engagement Associate Katrina Sullivan, and Curator of Horticulture Josie Losh.

“This year’s festival not only pulls from people and organizations in a wider geographic area, but also with within ‘STEAM’ disciplines,” pointed out Beaird

From robots to rockets, from growing greenery to helping green our planet, just about every topic – from Astronomy to Zoology – was represented at the festival.

In the OMSI Auditorium, the Electronic Music Club presents “Make Your Fruits and Veggies Sing” – using bananas as a keyboard.

“It’s important for us to hold a festival like this because it celebrates science and our community,” explained Beaird. “And, also, it inspires kids to consider careers in science – or, at least, to become life-long learners.”

What’s happening at OMSI this week? CLICK HERE to visit their official website.

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