Officers recover Lents truant tortoise after its two-day escapade

INCLUDES TERRIFIC TORTOISE VIDEO | Here’s harrowing tale of ‘Bowser the tortoise’, his big adventure, and his return home …

In this incident, it’s “all’s well that ends well” for Lents resident Jasmine Sprague and her family, after their tortoise comes back home.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

Coming home on July 30, Lents resident Jasmine Sprague said she was disconcerted to see their home’s front gate open – ajar just enough to allow Bowser, their 20+ pound  tortoise, escape their yard.

The family looked around the yard; then looked in neighbors’ yards for their pet. With their property right across the street from the Springwater Corridor Trail, the family was concerned that Bowser had set off on a distant journey – at least for a tortoise.

In this video, the ‘tortoise mom’ tells of the family’s efforts to find their fleeing family pet; and, see the ‘star of the show’, Bowser:

Bowser heads west
Apparently, Bowser decided to stroll westward along the Springwater Corridor Trail, pass under Interstate 205, and turn down an unpaved wide path along the freeway’s Multi-Use Path, on his slow-and-steady journey toward downtown Portland.

PPB East Precinct Neighborhood Response Team officers spot Bowser lumbering along the trail. PPB image

On Thursday morning, August 1, Portland Police Bureau (PPB) East Precinct Neighborhood Response Team (NRT) officers were riding ATVs, doing an outreach to persons living on the Multi-Use Path and Springwater Trail, on the west side of Interstate 205.

“About 10 a.m., while riding the Trail just north of SE Flavel Street [near SE 92nd Avenue], the officers spotted something unexpected: A tortoise walking down the middle of the path,” PPB Public Information Officer Sergeant Kevin Allen told reporters. “So the officers took a break from their mission of notifying houseless folks about the coming heat wave, providing cooling center information, and handing out bottled water.”.

After getting a ride on an ATV, the wayward tortoise was taken into protective custody by an Animal Control officer. PPB image

“Recognizing that this could be a runaway pet, the officers caught up with the fugitive reptile,” Sergeant Allen continued the tale. “They contacted Multnomah County Animal Control, who sent an officer, and determined that this was the critter who went missing from his home in the 9700 block of SE Claybourne Street on Tuesday.”

The Animal Control Officer contacted the grateful owner, who picked up the truant tortoise from the Multnomah County Animal Shelter.

Sill rehydrating after his journey, Bowser enjoys a fresh fruit snack.

“I’m so thankful for everyone who helped bring Bowser back home to us, safe and sound,” Sprague said with relief.

If you have a pet that’s lost, find out how best to try get it back in information provided by Multnomah County Animal Control: CLICK HERE.

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