‘Non-auction’ raises $6,850 for Parkrose High Scholars

See the ‘bidding’ get hot and heavy, during a meeting of the Parkrose Business Association …

Angie Jenkins of Hookset Automotive gets checked in to the April 16 Parkrose Business Association meeting by William Keller CPA and Marsha Grabinger.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

At the regular April meeting, leaders of the Parkrose Business Association (PBA) again held their Scholarship Appeal.

And, a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Special Agent told how his agency is working to stop cyber crime.

Members and guests select a delicious hot lunch from the buffet set out by the Holiday Inn Airport catering staff.

This, like all PBA meetings, begins with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Gordon Boorse takes the first “bid” in the annual Scholarship “non-auction”.

As it’s been described in the past, it’s like an auction – but those raising their hands are offering to contribute money but get no prize or merchandise.

The “bidding” came fast and furious, with the energetic encouragement of past PBA president Gordon Boorse of Compaction and Recycling Equipment.

On behalf of her employer, Pacific Northwest Federal Credit Union, Judy Kennedy pledged $1,000.

Around the room, PBA members raise their hands, waiting their turn to announce a pledge to the PBF Scholarship Fund.

Wayne Stoll starts a “bidding rivalry” …

… and Gale Bash answers the challenge – winning a Babacar Bobblehead from Wayne Stoll that he proudly holds.

A “bidding war” – a good-natured, yet intense, rivalry – broke out between Wayne Stoll of Argay Square and Gale Bash of “Jackpot”. They started out at $50, and kept upping one another until they both agreed to donate $500 each.

Several other members also matched the $500.

“What is truly amazing is that $6,850 was raised in only 15 minutes, with additional funds being pledged from businesses!” exclaimed Treasurer Grabinger after the meeting. “These tax-deductable donations are distributed in the form of $2,000 scholarships by our 501(c)(3) non-profit Parkrose Business Foundation.”

Donations continued to come in after the meeting; at this time, the total amount raised stands at $7,200.

This year’s Parkrose Business Foundation Donor Roll:

Able Properties ~ Addie’s You and I Travel ~ American Sani-Can
Argay Square ~ Compaction And Recycling Equipment, Inc.
Marsha Grabinger ~ Cornerstone Services ~ Davey Tree & Expert Co.
David Ashton/East Portland News ~ Hollywood Chiropractic
Hookset Automotive ~ Jackpot ~ Leadership Works LLC
Mark W. Eves, PC ~ Moto Guzzi Portland
Mt. Hood Community College ~ Northwest Pest Control
Pacific NW Federal Credit Union ~ Portland Disposal & Recycling, Inc.
Signs Now Northwest ~ Jason Zwick State Farm Insurance Agent
Sundeleaf Painting, Inc. ~ The Wall ~ US Bank, Argay Square
William Keller, CPA ~ Karen Tayler ~ Karen Gray ~ Mary Larson

Telling how to guard businesses against cyber crime is Oregon-based FBI Special Agent “J”.

Also, the special speaker at the meeting, FBI Special Agent “J” – he asked not to be identified – confirmed that cybercrime is a top priority with the Bureau.

He talked about the work of the Bureau’s Internet Crime Complaint Center, and gave an overview of what he calls the Business Email Compromise Scam now plaguing larger businesses.

“Last year, more than $600,000 was lost to cybercrime,” Agent J said.

“Many of these scams involve sophisticated schemes where criminals hack into communication systems, and pretends to be an executive who asks a financial Officer to wire money to a bank, generally in a foreign country,” Agent J continued. “The stolen funds are typically routed to criminal organizations in Africa, China, Romania, and Russia.”

The new Internet Crime Complaint Center provides “one-stop” reporting for cybercrimes, both large and small, the FBI agent said. “Change your passwords often, and make them challenging, is the constant advice,” he advised.

To view FBI Internet scam alerts, and report cyber-fraud, see their special website: CLICK HERE.

You, too, can dine among such smiling folks as these at the June PBA luncheon!

Meet with the PBA
On June 18, meet the Parkrose High Scholars who will each receive their $2,000 Portland Business Foundation Scholarship.

They meet, starting at 11:30 a.m. at the Holiday Inn Airport, 8439 NE Columbia Blvd. (in the hotel building, around the back at the former Flirt’s entrance – not the Convention Center next door). The meeting is free, and the buffet lunch is $17 including dessert and gratuity; reservations are NOT required.

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