New firefighter uniforms and ladder truck revealed

See the crew of this East Portland fire house model their new garb – while they show off their new vehicle …

Modeling their new uniforms, while standing next to their new ladder truck, are the firefighters of Portland Fire & Rescue Woodstock Station 25.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

You won’t see it when Portland Fire & Rescue (PF&R) firefighters are wearing their “turnout gear” – the heavy personal protective equipment suits they use fighting a fire – but PF&R crews have been issued new uniforms.

“The new uniform provides enhanced safety, greater durability, and a more professional look,” remarked Portland Fire Bureau Public Information Officer Lt. Rich Tyler.

The new uniform consists of black pants and a black button-up shirt, replacing a uniform standard that has been in place for over three decades. The uniform also brings the Bureau more fully into concordance with the National Fire Protection Association standard, too, Tyler added.

“The new uniforms are made of DuPont Nomex® fabric, a material that provides a greater fire resistance than the polyester blends that we’ve worn in the past,” commented Woodstock Station 25 B-shift Captain Jeromy Paul.

“That fire resistance is a big plus for the new clothing. That is a big plus to the firefighters,” Paul added.

While good-humoredly modeling the new uniforms, the Station 25 crew also showed off their new vehicle – less than a month old – Ladder Truck 25.

These firefighters say they’re pleased to be riding the new Ladder Truck 25.

The 100 “tiller” ladder rig, called the Arrow XL, was built by Pierce Manufacturing and is pulled by a new tractor.

“It features state-of-the-art electronics and controls, emergency lighting, and advanced capabilities,” Tyler said of it.

There are firefighting rigs, Tyler noted, that have an aerial ladder built on a large all-in-one truck chassis; but the combination of a cab and a rear-steering “tiller” lets rear drivers help the long units more easily snake through narrow residential streets and business alleys.

Wave and say hello when you see it go by!

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