‘Native Art Mart’ returns to Mt. Scott Center

If you missed it, here’s another chance to meet some of the interesting Native crafters who vended at this year’s outer East Portland event …

Dozens of Native artisans meet shoppers during the “Native American Marketplace & Family Day” held at Mt. Scott Community Center.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

Continuing their recent tradition on the weekend after Thanksgiving Day – this year, November 24 – Portland Parks and Recreation (PP&R) once again brought to the Mt. Scott Community Center the “Native American Marketplace & Family Day”.

It’s part of “Native American Heritage Month”, and offers everyone an opportunity to celebrate Native cultures with food, crafts, vendors, and free activities.

Taking a brief break from serving “Indian Tacos” is Sherry Scott, of Yakima tribe affiliation, with the day’s organizer, Sheryl Juber.

“We came up with this not only to support our Native American community members, but also to get them involved in recreation and our Community Centers,” explained Sheryl Juber, now a semi-retired PP&R employee, as well as a member of the Bureau’s Native American Community Advisory Council.

“Today, we have a full house of 29 vendors; the criterion to be a vendor is being a Native American – and that’s all!” Juber told East Portland News.

Shoshone, Bannock, Nez Perce author, actor, traditional Native storyteller, and workshop leader Ed Edmo says he enjoys meeting people as much as he does selling his books.

Savoring “Indian Tacos” are Mt. Tabor neighborhood residents Eric Leonhard and Anesa Burkic.

“One artisan came all the way from Arizona, and we have another from Yakima, and others from Warm Springs, the Confederated Tribes of Siletz, as well as local people. Title VII US Office of Indian Education is represented as well,” recounted Juber.

As in past years, the modest vendor table fees, and all proceeds from selling the “Indian Tacos” and flatbread, go directly to the Bow and Arrow Culture Club – which sponsors the Delta Park Powwow, a Portland, Father’s Day tradition for 48 years.

Making Native crafts are Tanya Black and Hendrix Baker.

“A good thing that comes from hosting the Marketplace is that many customers come to visit who are not from the Native community,” she smiled. “Here, people will realize just how many Native Americans are neighbors, teachers, co-workers, and such; and this connection is good for everyone.”

Playing her flute is founder Oche’ Nah Roskeof ODM-MIPSAHH Native Outreach & Equine Therapist from Wapato, Washington.

To learn more about the Portland Parks & Recreation Native American Community Advisory Council, see their official webpage: CLICK HERE.

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