Music, awards highlight Parkrose Business Association affair

See who was presented with their two highest awards – and take a look at the good times that folks from this great business association shared, at their annual Holiday event …

Jill Martin and Alison Stoll greet guests as they check into the annual Parkrose Business Association’s Awards Banquet.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
While folks strolled through The Grotto’s “Festival of Lights” on the grounds above, members and guests of the Parkrose Business Association (PBA) were gathering in the subterranean meeting room for their annual Holiday banquet and awards ceremony in mid-December.

During the meet-and-greet hour, folks browsed the many items set out for the silent auction, sipped wine, and claimed their spaces at the dinner tables.

Before we reveal who was honored with the Artie Johnson Award and Karl Lind Award, here are the PBA members, enjoying the evening …

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Eves share a toast at the event.

A guest of Bobacar (we missed getting his name), Laurie Larson, Portland City Commissioner Amanda Fritz and Bobacar pause for a photo.

Members of the Parkrose High School “Debonairs” Choir and Jazz Band entertain again at this year’s banquet.

Guests serve themselves at a grand buffet, featuring prime rib and baked salmon.

PBA President Wayne Stoll reads off a door prize number – one of the 38 gifts given away during the evening.

Awards presentations

The PBA President and board members honor many who helped the organization during the year, with Certificates of Appreciation – before the two featured awards are presented.

Wayne Stoll presents a wide variety of mementos that symbolize the volunteer work done by Marsha Lee of Copy Express.

Artie Johnson Award

Alison Stoll accepts the 2010 “Artie Johnson Award” from Marsha Lee.

In presenting the award, Marsha Lee told why Alison Stoll, of Central NE Neighbors, Inc., was selected for the PBA’s 2010 “Artie Johnson Award”.

“When I first met Alison Stoll, I knew we had an extraordinary person within the membership of the Parkrose Business Association.  The PBA Board has been fortunate to have Alison as a director.  She is also a wife and a mother, while running the successful non-profit Central Northeast Neighbors, Inc.

“‘To get things done, find a busy person’ is so often quoted, but in Alison’s case that adage comes to life.  Among her many gifts and talents, she brings her knowledge of City issues, while serving as PBA’s representative to APNBA.  She reports when the City is offering business associations the opportunity to apply for grants, and she also volunteers to write those grants.

“The PBA Scholarship Committee was thrilled when Alison agreed to serve on the committee.  Selecting a few from the many who deserve a scholarship is a daunting task, but Alison has certainly been up to it.  We all count heavily on her expertise in making these selections, and her passion for our youth.

“Alison carries all of her responsibilities with a sense of commitment, while gracing us all with her fun sense of humor and charming personality. “

Karl Lind Award

Wayne Stoll presents Judy Kennedy, of Pacific NW Federal Credit Union, the 2010 “Karl Lind Award”.

The organization’s president, Wayne Stoll, then told the group why Judy Kennedy, of Pacific NW Federal Credit Union, deserved the 2010 “Karl Lind Award”.

“Look at the description of the Karl Lind Award – and it is no wonder that Judy Kennedy won the votes of the nominating committee.  Her volunteerism alone can take one’s breath away. A partial list of Judy’s volunteer activities includes the following:

  • Shepherds Door – financial training classes
  • Parkrose High School (PHS) Senior Project Committee
  • PHS Communication Committee
  • PBA Scholarship Committee
  • PHS Senior all night sponsor
  • Blue Crush sponsor
  • Farmers’ Market sponsor
  • Parkrose Little League
  • US Fish & Wildlife Wilderness Camp sponsor
  • Parkrose Education sponsor
  • Relay for Life
  • Founder of the Albin Toy drive with the Children Cancer Association
  • Doernbecker sponsor
  • Next Door Project
  • Families in the Park sponsor

“You will see Judy each month at our PBA luncheon working at the sign-in table, and handing out door prizes.  Each and every event PBA hosts finds Judy volunteering to serve on, or chair, a committee.

“Judy has accepted the invitation of the PBA Board of Directors to serve a three-year term as a director.  The board members are thrilled to have her expertise, her experience, and her influence in the Parkrose Business and neighborhood associations, as well as in the city at large.

“You can’t help but be amazed at how she can fit it all in, while working for the Credit Union full time – as well as being a wife and a mother. All we can say is WOW … and congratulations!”

Meet with the PBA
One of our favorite business groups gets together once again on Thursday, January 20, at 11:30 a.m.

Come and meet this group of fun, energized businesspeople. This month: “The State of the PBA”, by the organization’s President, Wayne Stoll.

The meeting is at Holiday Inn Airport, 8439 NE Columbia Blvd. (in the hotel building, around the back at the Flirt’s entrance – not the Convention Center next door). The meeting is free, and the buffet lunch costs $17, including dessert and gratuity; reservations are NOT required. For more information, see their web site: CLICK HERE.

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