Montavilla Farmers Market starts Winter Season

INCLUDES VIDEO VIGNETTE | Discover why the manager of this outer East Portland farmers market describes its regular season as ‘fantastic”. Learn about their Holiday Market schedule, and when they’ll be open over the winter …

On the last day of their “regular” season, the Montavilla Farm Market is busy, as usual, on this Sunday morning.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

As the days get shorter, and wintery weather moves in, it’s also time for the seasonal change at Montavilla Farmers Market (MFM).

Under heavily overcast skies, our visit to the MFM on Sunday, November 14, was the second-to-the-the-last week of the regular every-Sunday season.

Genevieve Flanagan, of Urban Acre Homestead, who farms in the Russell neighborhood, spends a moment with MFM Market Manager Lisa Hall.

“Although our regular season ended on the Sunday before Thanksgiving Day, our market doesn’t just ‘pack it up’ for the winter,” commented MFM Market Manager Lisa Hall.

More about their upcoming schedule in a moment, please read on …

“This is been a fantastic season for us,” Hall told East Portland News. “We’ve had about 70 vendors, cumulatively, throughout the season selling everything from strawberries, to vegetables, to orchard fruits, to animal products – as well as fresh and hot, ready-to-eat foods,” she noted.

Montavilla neighbor Hannah Katibah shops with vendor Chesterfield Wheatley of Lil’ Starts Plant Nursery.

Saucing up another freshly prepared dish is Pedro Felipe of Mixteca.

One way she measures how well the market is doing is by counting the number of customers who come in through their gates. “In the peak of summer, we would see about 2,000 folks, per market, come to shop during the four hours that we are open,” explained Hall. “Now, in the fall, we’re getting between 1,200 and 1,500 per market – which is great for our vendors!

“Our vendors tell us that they just love this market, which is why they keep coming back. They say that they enjoy the community, they like the loyalty of the customers, and they like how customers turn out – even when the weather is not great – yes, even when it’s ‘raining sideways’, there are still folks showing up at their businesses.”

Get the feel of visiting the Montavilla Farmers Market
by viewing our Video Vignette:

‘Fill Your Pantry’ event on December 12 kicks off Winter Season
“Coming up on December 12 is our ‘Fill Your Pantry’ day, where we encourage shoppers to ‘stock up” for the Holidays by buying in bulk,” Hall said. “December markets, we’ll see between 40 and 50 vendors.

“Then, December 19 is the Holiday Market, at which we will feature craft vendors offering their products, in addition to those selling fresh and prepared foods.”

Montavilla neighbor Tim Lang shares freshly prepared food with his guest, visiting from San Francisco, Shawn Nichols.

Two Sundays a week, starting in January
But even the end of the year is not the end of the market’s season. January marks the start of the MFM’s Winter Markets – open the same hours – but those are held every-other-Sunday, Hall informed.

“This won’t be a ‘truck market’ like what has been held here a few years back, it’ll look like a regular market, but with fewer – about 40 – vendors,” Hall commented. “While our farmers will take a well-deserved rest in the winter, and get ready for the next season, most of our vegetable farmers will still be here year-’round.”

Montavilla Farmers Market

  • 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. each market day
  • December 12: ‘Fill Your Pantry’ event
  • December 19: Holiday Market
  • Closed December 26
  • Winter Markets on January 9 and 23
  • Please follow their COVID-19 coronavirus protocols. It’s located on the gravel lot in the 7700 block of SE Stark Street – across the street from Mr. Plywood. CLICK HERE to see their website.

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