Montavilla businesses host Fall Fest

Take a look at this new event, put on by the Montavilla East Tabor Business Association just before Hallowe’en …

Many of them in Hallowe’en costumes, families flock to this enjoyable outer East Portland Harvest Party.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

Just in time for Hallowe’en, members of the Montavilla East Tabor Business Association (METBA) created a new fall event, held on October 27, to celebrate the season.

Starting at noon that day, families gathered in the parking lot of a business complex located at 8028 NE Glisan Street; and some stayed until it was all over at 4:00 p.m. that afternoon.

Trying their hands at crafts are Amanda Thiel and Findlay Smith.

“For a few years now, we’ve been searching for an inviting family event for NE Glisan Street; and the result became the Montavilla  Harvest Festival we’re holding today,” said METBA President Tina Granzo of City Beautiful Design.

“Here, this afternoon, we have young area musicians playing their music; vendors; a miniature haunted house; and games, vendors, and community services,” Granzo told East Portland News.

METBA President Tina Granzo spends a moment event organizer Peter Dills of Therapeutic Associates East Portland Physical Therapy.

Families came and went, some of them lingering at the carnival games, others exploring the “haunted rooms” at one of the site’s businesses – and many enjoyed making crafts.

“Our business has been here for about a year now, and I’ve gotten involved with our association’s board,” remarked the event’s organizer, Peter Dills of Therapeutic Associates East Portland, one of the event-location businesses.

Playing Hallowe’en “Ring Toss”, and winning candy, is Turner Spidell. Actually, all of the kids who played the game, won candy!

“I was glad to head up this event and to be a part of bringing family fun and a seasonal flair to Glisan Street,” Dills added. “Like the others here today, we do this because we love connecting with our greater Montavilla community!”

The Christiansen and the Larson families gather for photos in front of the Harvest Festival’s themed backdrop.

Before the year ends, METBA will be hosting more community events, Granzo promised – including a “Frosty Festival” with the Merry Montavilla Soirée in which many of the local restaurants and establishments participate. Also look for an upcoming “Santa Saturday” in late November or early December; “We may even have Hanukkah Harry coming!” smiled Granzo.

Find out more about the Montavilla East Tabor Business Association at their official website: CLICK HERE.

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