Montavilla business group plans crowd-pleasing events

Find out how businesses are attracting more visitors to this historic area of outer East Portland with their upcoming special events …

Montavilla East Tabor Business Association Vice President and “First Friday” coordinator Brooke Brandsmith with Serenity Therapeutic Massage shows off a new flyer, posted on the window of Flying Pie Pizza in beautiful, downtown Montavilla.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

At the quarterly spring meeting of the Montavilla East Tabor Business Association (METBA), held on April 12 at Flying Pie Pizza, members and guests learned about the organization’s efforts to “rebrand” itself – with a new logo, and an updated website.

“Overall, the business district is doing well,” remarked METBA President Stephen Rice, who is in his second year in the volunteer post. “Every time I go into the stores I ask owners ‘how business is’, in response I’m getting is that ‘business is good’.”

The organization has a lot going on by, and for, its members, Rice said.

Helping by bringing fresh, bubbling pizza into the meeting is METBA Board Member at large Tina Granzo of City Beautiful Design.

“Today we’re revealing the design elements of our new brand,” Rice confided to East Portland News. “This will allow us to start marketing to, and for, businesses throughout the area. Part of this is a new website that focuses on our businesses, introducing them to people all over the Portland area.”

As noted in the East Portland News Community Calendar, METBA has resumed their monthly “First Friday” promotional events along SE Stark Street, Rice said.

METBA President Stephen Rice tells about progress for the organization’s big signature event – the upcoming Montavilla Street Fair.

“And, we’re working on producing an even bigger and better Montavilla Street Fair, scheduled for Sunday, July 31, from 11:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.!” Rice exclaimed. “We’ll be closing down SE Stark Street, like we did last year. It will again will feature live music, the kids’ area, and about a hundred vendors.”

Being involved in METBA activities helps strengthen all businesses in the community, Rice commented. “It’s important for business people to become part of their community. When they get involved, they get people coming back, as well as increased business and awareness of their business.”

Many members, and a few guests, learn more about METBA’s activities during their meeting.

The METBA holds quarterly general meetings. They do welcome businesspeople to attend their upcoming May events:

May 2
> Meet and Greet on Glisan Street – From 5:30 until 7:00 p.m. the Montavilla East Tabor Business Association welcomes business people to their first quarterly evening event. Join them for networking, and pizza, at East Glisan Pizza Lounge, located at 8001 NE Glisan Street.

May 24
> East Stark Happy Hour – From 5:30 until 7:00 p.m. the Montavilla East Tabor Business Association is holding its first quarterly business mixer at MBank, located at 9415 SE Stark Street.

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