Mill Park neighbors go on ‘litter patrol’

Instead of holding bulky-waste clean ups in their outer East Portland neighborhood, see how these volunteers are making visible improvements …

Nearly two dozen Mill Park neighbors come out to pick up trash along SE 122nd Avenue; these volunteers are preening the area in front of Midland Regional Library.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

In past years, the Mill Park Neighborhood Association (MPNA) has hosted “bulky waste clean up” days – often including picking up litter.

But, neighborhood leaders instead are working with SOLVE to pick up litter and refuse along their “main street”, SE 122nd Avenue – as in their spring event, held on April 28.

Working with SOLVE has helped them get the word out about their litter pick-up projects, says MPNA Chair Trevor Hopper.

“It was last fall when we decided to have a litter clean-up,” said MPNA Chair Trevor Hopper. “It along SE 122nd Avenue, from SE Stark to Division Streets.

“The smaller litter pick-up we held in the fall went very well, and because of that, we decided to expand from Mill Park north, through Hazelwood and into a bit of the Parkrose neighborhoods,” Hopper told East Portland News.

With more than 20 volunteers pitching in – including some from the men’s WyEast Shelter – the work went quickly.

Two of the many volunteers cleaning the neighborhood are Chet Thomas and Cheryl Thomas.

“This is a project that gets people involved in their community, in the place for they live,” Hopper said. “This involvement gives our residents a sense of increased pride, and make some feel a lot better about the place they call home.

“And, it helps those driving through the area to see there’s something positive coming from in the Mill Park neighborhood, done by people who care,” Hopper added.

To learn more about our Mill Park neighbors, see their Facebook page: CLICK HERE.

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