See why networking over pizza pie has become part of the annual outer East Portland Holiday celebration …
Many businesspeople in the Midway Business Association district gather each year in the Powellhurst-Gilbert neighborhood for their Holiday celebration.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
As is their tradition, members and guests of the Midway Business Association (MBA) met, mingled, and held their Holiday Celebration, at Pizza Baron on December 12.
At the noon hour approached, and folks drifted in – the scent of baking pizzas filling the air as they checked in for the luncheon meeting.
The get-together was dedicated to networking, so no official business was conducted. However, Portland Parks & Recreation Project Manager Jamie English brought along a large three-dimensional layout of a new park.
“It is such an new project, it doesn’t yet have a name; we call it ‘D150’ for quick reference, but it’s referred to as the SE 150th and Division Property Master Plan project,” English explained to East Portland News.
Portland Parks & Recreation Capital Project Manager Jaime English shows Lorelei Young, of Keepsake Family Tree Video, a display of the approved project for the SE 150th and Division Property Master Plan.
“In the planning process, the thing we heard most in the community was the desire the community for large community gathering space – so, in the ‘heart of the park’, there are a big picnic area, a community garden, and a playground,” English pointed out. “There’s also planned a sports field, a walking path, a basketball court, a splash pad, and a dog off-leash area, and a little ‘skate spot’ – as well as a parking area along SE Division Street.”
English added that, while the park’s Master Plan has been approved by the Portland City Council, its construction has yet to be funded.
Pizza Baron owners Jeff Dayton and Bill Dayton bring out a “Baron’s Bonanza” pizza for the group to enjoy.
In a brief presentation, MBA President Dr, David Day, DC of Day Chiropractic presented the highlights of the year in the neighborhood business district, including their springtime “Business-to-Buttes” event. “We’re considering calling that a ‘Spring Celebration’, still anchoring the MBA to Powell Butte, and will hold it in May or early June, 2018,” Day remarked to East Portland News.
The MBA promoted and participated in many events during the year, Day reminded the group, including a summertime Bluegrass Music Festival Barbecue, the Powellhurst-Gilbert National Night Out “Movie in the Park”, and also Sunday Parkways, when it was held in the area.
Welcoming everyone to the Holiday celebration is MBA President Dr. David Day, DC.
We also participated in the Festival of Nations, supporting the Division-Midway Alliance,” Day added.
In addition to supporting events, Day said that MBA received a grant to redesign their website – to help members to promote their businesses, and at the same time, also be easier for volunteers to update and maintain.
Here are just some of the two dozen folks attending the MBA’s annual Holiday party, enjoying pizza and conversation.
Looking forward, Day said that many business owners feel the upcoming
Division Street Transit Plan will cause some changes, and others are concerned with how the work on Powell Boulevard improvements will affect some businesses, when the Oregon Department gets busy on this outer East Portland highway.
“If you have a business here, come and join the MBA; we meet at noon, the second Tuesday of the month at Pizza Baron, [located at 2604 SE 122nd Avenue, 97236],” invited Dr. Day.
For more information see their website: CLICK HERE.
© 2017 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News