Midway business people toast the Holidays

Oh, what fun they had, at the Midway Business Association Holiday Party …

Revelers began to congregate for the Midway Business Association’s Holiday Party in the outer East Portland neighborhood of Powellhurst-Gilbert.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

The gathering of business owners and managers who are members and their guests of the Midway Business Association (MBA) met for their annual Holiday Party at Bill Dayton’s Pizza Baron Restaurant on January 13.

There wasn’t a formal program; the projection screen that typically shows PowerPoint presentations was absent. The party was structured simply to encourage people to talk amongst themselves and enjoy a festive Holiday event, explained MBA President Dr. David Day DC, of Day Chiropractic.

MBA guests serve themselves from a pizza buffet, including the huge, three-variety “Baron’s Bonanza”.

Before long, Bill Dayton brought out hot, bubbly pizza was served buffet style, including the “Barons Bonanza”, a giant, three-foot long pizza featuring three different selections of toppings, and the favorite of many – the Chicken with Creamy Garlic Sauce pizza.

“One of the highlights for our association for 2016 is that we have a brand-new website on the Internet,” Day told East Portland News. “We received funding from Venture Portland that allowed us to hire a web designer.”

MBA President Dr. David Day, D.C., socializes at the Holiday event.

Every MBA member receives a web page to promote their business, linked to the master website. he added. “This is important, because we found that many of our members don’t have their own website. This offers a good benefit in joining the organization.”

Looking forward to 2017, Day said the MBA was busy planning other benefits and events for the New Year.

“We just finalized planning a signature event on Powell Butte; we’re holding an Earth Day celebration on April 22 – called ‘Business Buttes’ – featuring volunteering to do restorative planting,” Day revealed. “And, there will be fun activities – including biking, hiking, and exploring the flora and fauna, with bird walks and things like that.”

MBA Members and guests network as they dine on pizza.

Although he works full time in his chiropractic medical practice, Day said it’s important to him to be part of a business association in the area. “We’re so spread out in the mid-County area, the MBA helps give us a sense of ‘place’.

“This gives us a way of being part of something bigger than ourselves, so we can also help our community, as well as provide more vitality for our members,” Day said.

Brad Forkner explains the meeting’s activities.

Venture Portland Executive/Membership Assistant and Business District Organizer for the MBA, Brad Forkner, held a trivia quiz among attendees on the subject of little-known facts about association members. “Taylor Swift once stopped by my business,” was one of the teasers posed.

With glasses filled, either with champagne or Martinelli’s carbonated apple juice, the group toasts the Holiday season – wishing one and all a Merry Christmas, and a profitable New Year.

The noontime meeting ended with a humongous door prize drawing, providing gifts supplied by members, along with Bill and Jeff Dayton.

Lorelei Young of Keepsake Family Tree Video sniffs a bar of Ashton’s “Macadamia Madness” chocolate candy.

Learn more about the Midway Business Association by visiting their official website: CLICK HERE.

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