Man shot to death in Hazelwood

Here’s what’s been learned about the untimely death of Oscar Rodriguez Torres, in outer East Portland …

SE 127th Avenue is closed off between SE Stark and Burnside Streets, when a man is found shot to death in the Hazelwood neighborhood.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

The sound of gunshots near the back of the large apartment complex along SE 127th Avenue just north of Stark Street was enough to get residents to call the 9-1-1 Center at 10:15 p.m. on February 22.

On the way there, Portland Police Bureau (PPB) East Precinct officers were advised that a man had been found shot in the area.

The PPB Mobile Command Center arrives as the murder investigation gets underway.

“Officers located a deceased adult male; members of the PPB Detective Division’s Homicide Team responded to conduct an investigation; investigators are trying to determine what led up to the shooting,” revealed an anonymous PPB spokesperson.

“We couldn’t sleep, because all kinds of police rigs were here on [127th Avenue], from Stark up to Burnside, through the night – most of them with their lights flashing,” nearby resident Elmer Houston told East Portland News the next day.

Officers keep everyone out of the area while PPB criminalists and detectives gather evidence.

Four days later, the PPB revealed that its Homicide Division “continues to look into the circumstances that led to the death of a male.

“The State of Oregon’s Medical Examiner’s Office conducted an autopsy, and identified the deceased subject as 38-year-old Oscar Rodriguez-Torres; and it was determined Rodriguez-Torres died as a result of homicidal violence,” an unnamed PPB spokesperson disclosed

Police ask for help finding out who killed this man: 38-year-old Oscar Rodriguez Torres. PPB-provided family photo

Those with information are encouraged to contact Homicide Detective Scott Broughton at 503-823-3774 or or Detective Rico Beniga at 503-823-0457 or

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