Make sure your voice is heard – VOTE!

IT’S NOW TOO LATE TO MAIL IN YOUR BALLOT! Find out where to take your Special Election ballot by 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 26 – and why it’s vitally important that you vote …

Midland Library on SE 122nd Avenue, a block south of SE Stark Street, offers a 24-hour secure ballot box.

Story and photo by David F. Ashton
If you’ve waited to mail your ballot in the special election until now – STOP! It’s now too late to drop it in the mail!

“January 22, should be considered the last day for voters in Multnomah County to safely mail ballots in time for the January 26 Special Election,” Eric Sample, with Multnomah County Elections told us. “Ballots must be received by 8:00 p.m. on January 26 to be counted. Postmarks do not count.”

Three reasons why you should vote
First, it is your civic duty, as an American citizen, and a resident of Oregon and Portland.

Secondarily, organizations such as governmental labor unions, school districts and affinity groups who may benefit from the passage of Measures 66 and 67 have urgently prodded their members to vote in favor of these measures.

These large, powerful groups, who represent workers in tax-funded organizations, absolutely have the right to advocate for their point of view to their membership (as long as it isn’t done using taxpayer-paid time and resources), urging them to “get out the vote” for bills that potentially benefit their membership – just as those opposed to the measures have the right to campaign against these tax hike measures.

>> To see the full text of a debate on Measures 66 & 67 between J. L. Wilson, Vice President of Associated Oregon Industries and Oregon State Representative Jefferson Smith that we covered, CLICK HERE.

Third, local politicians and planners feel they can impose lifestyle-impacting changes on regions of Portland and Multnomah County with greater impunity (freedom from unpleasant consequences) that have the fewest registered voters and the lowest levels of voter turnout at elections.

Looking at the County’s statistics, more than one third of Portland’s citizens live in outer East Portland. In the last special election, about half of the registered voters cast a ballot. Many politicians and their operatives take away from this that about one-half of outer East Portland residents simply don’t care what rules are passed, no matter how adversely it may affect them. Is this the message you really want to send to our politicians?

You’ll find official ballot boxes at all Multnomah County Library locations – there’s one near you!

Not too late to vote
Voters don’t have to travel to the Multnomah County Elections Office, at 1040 SE Morrison St. or use their Official Drop Box on SE 11th Ave. at SE Belmont St.

“Voters also have the option to take advantage of secure ballot drop-off locations,” Sample said.

For residents of outer East Portland, Sample suggested using the 24-hour drop box at Midland Branch Library – 805 SE 122nd Ave., a block south SE Stark St.

“This Ballot drop box is an official and secure place for voters to deposit ballots for receipt at the Multnomah County Elections Division,” Sample told us. “This box, and others like it at libraries around the area, will be emptied promptly at 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. There are ballot drop-off boxes in all 17 Multnomah County Libraries.”

Library locations easily accessible to East Portland residents include:

  • Fairview-Columbia: 1520 NE Village St., Fairview
  • Holgate: 7905 SE Holgate Blvd.
  • Midland: 805 SE 122nd Ave.
  • Rockwood: 17917 SE Stark St.
  • Sellwood-Westmoreland: 7860 SE 13th Ave.
  • Woodstock: 6008 S.E. 49th Ave.

No matter on what side of these two measures you stand – please, do your part as a citizen and vote!

© 2010 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News

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