It wasn’t an “official” event‚ but see how neighborhood association members pitched in to help a senior citizen in need‚
Clint Lenard, wearing the red shirt in the background, orchestrated the clean up a badly-overgrown senior citizen’s yard.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
The Lents Neighborhood home was in great condition; good siding, solid roof, and a new deck. The only problem was that the yard was so overgrown‚ one couldn’t see the house from the street.
“It seemed like a good idea to give her a hand,” said project organizer, Clint Lenard, a neighborhood association board member.
“The homeowner didn’t have anyone to help her with the yard work. Not only was the house hidden, you couldn’t hardly walk up to get in,” Lenard explained.
Neighbor Casey Meredith, East Portland Crime Reduction Specialist Rosanne Lee, and association member Rachel Slottke find and remove all kinds of things while clearing the yard.
One of the volunteers, Casey Meredith climbed trees, removed rubbish and hauled chips.
“I live down the street. Lenard asked me to help, and here we are,” Meredith said. “You can see by the chips how much we’ve taken out.”
Lents Neighborhood Association member John Notis rakes some of the chips generated from the massive clean-up project.
While their effort didn’t make the front page of the newspapers, it didn’t go unnoticed by neighbors. “We’re just trying to make a difference here in Lents,” Lenard commented as he wiped sweat from his brow.
© 2007 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News Service