Listen to, and watch video of, amazingly candid TriMet and City of Portland officials as they discuss crime and safety — at the Lents Neighborhood Livability Association meeting …
Before digging to the meaty topic set for this Lents Neighborhood Livability Association gathering, guests enjoy a sub sandwich supper.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Almost three dozen people arrived for the Lents Neighborhood Livability Association meeting on Thursday, October 12, at the Lents Activity Center.
TriMet MAX Light Rail safety was on their minds.
After supper is served and enjoyed, Betsy Johnson starts the meeting.
Abiding by her promise to “keep caring about Lents”, former Oregon State Senator Betsy Johnson brought in officials to speak about neighborhood safety – specifically safety at the TriMet MAX Late Rail station on Flavel Street near the Interstate-205 Freeway, and along the property easements.
In this video, Betsy Johnson frames the nature of the evening’s discussion:
After introducing the topic, Johnson introduced the evening’s speakers.
TriMet Executive Director of Safety & Security Andrew Wilson agrees with neighbors that crime has indeed been an issue on the MAX Light Rail system.
Discussing the issue are Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s Senior Policy Advisor Skyler Brocker-Knapp (seated) –and Wheeler’s Deputy Director of Community Safety, Dakota Thompson.
Instead of our paraphrasing or selecting quotes from the discussion, watch and listen to the discussion at the meeting yourself – in this video provided by the LNLA:
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