INCLUDES INTRODUCTION VIDEO + FULL MEETING VIDEO | Confused about ‘Ranked Choice Voting’ – the method under Portland’s new City Charter that changes the way votes are cast for elected officials? Many people who left this meeting, after hearing officials try to explain it, were still uncertain. AND, just added, learn how much employees in our ‘new government’ will be paid …
At the February Lents Neighborhood Livability Association meeting, guests were treated to hot fresh pulled-pork sandwiches, coleslaw, and snacks, before the meeting began.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Folks from around East Portland gathered in the Community Connection Center on Mt. Scott on Thursday evening, February 8, for the monthly meeting of the Lents Neighborhood Livability Association (LNLA).
After a light dinner provided by the LNLA, the 21 attendees settled in for the meeting.
See City of Portland Transition Team Transition Engagement Coordinator June Reyes outline the three massive changes coming to the City of Portland’s election system, and way of government:
This meeting’s topic: How the new Portland City Charter affects the way our city will be managed, and will be reorganized – as well as how we will vote for elected City leaders using the “Ranked Choice Voting” method.
Attendees settle in for another LNLA meeting.
A great deal of the meeting was spent on the topic of the new system of choosing the next Mayor and a dozen Portland City Councilors – who will no longer be “Commissioners”.
Portland Government Transition Advisory Committee member Amy Randel leads off, telling how the group has met 17 times, including meetings with neighbors, community leaders, and business leaders.
Portland Government Transition Advisory Committee member Amy Randel – one of 15 members of the committee – told how that this group’s expected responsibilities include:
Ensuring that implementation of November 2022 voter-approved Charter amendments are made effectively and efficiently, “following the City’s core values of anti-racism, equity, communication, collaboration, transparency, and fiscal responsibility”.
Maintaining open and consistent communication and engagement with internal and external stakeholders throughout the transition, and ensuring that input is meaningfully integrated into the City’s implementation of the November 2022 voter-approved Charter amendments. Other than district-specific public input, to serve as the primary solicitor and repository of public input related to the transition.
Advising the City on the November 2022 voter-approved Charter amendments transition plan, and the community education and engagement plan, including the project schedule and project budget, resource allocation, and funding strategy.
-4 Explaining ‘Ranked Choice Voting”, here’s Transition Engagement Coordinator of the City of Portland Transition Team, June Reyes.
City of Portland Transition Team Transition Engagement Coordinator June Reyes explained that the Charter changes affected how Portlanders vote for elected leaders – and that, instead of citywide elections, voting for Councilors will be done in four geographic districts.
Further, the 12 elected “Councilors” will “create policy”; while a non-elected City Administrator – appointed by the Mayor – will actually manage city government.
You can watch the entire meeting in this video presented by the Lents Neighborhood Livability Association:
How much will all these new employees cost?
In early March, City of Portland’s June Reyes sent written answers to questions about the budget for all of staff members that will be employed in City of Portland governance: CLICK HERE to open that page we created at East Portland News.
March 14: Lents Neighborhood Livability Association meets again
A light dinner will be served from 6:30 – 7:00 p.m.
This month’s speakers include: Eli Arnold, running for City Council District #4 & Terrence Hayes, running for City Council District #1.
Organizers note: “This is NOT a candidate forum”. Further, the LNLA has not taken any position of support for any candidate, at this point.
It’s at the Community Connection Center located on the grounds of New Hope Church at 10603 SE Henderson Street. [Come in the front doors, turn right, go down the first hallway. Signs will point the way.] For more information, email
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