Lents neighbors get chance to get rid of bulky junk

Other ‘Bulky Waste Clean-ups’ have been taking place in outer East Portland; here’s what volunteers were offering to folks in Lents …

The Lents Neighborhood Livability Association guides another truck full of trash into the offloading area during the Bulky Waste Clean-up.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

People in Lents had no opportunity to rid themselves of any junk too large to fit into a curbside roll cart during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

However, thanks to a special grant program provided by METRO, several neighborhoods in “under-served areas” received funds to rent large drop boxes to collect neighbors’ trash.

And, thanks to volunteers from the Lents Neighborhood Livability Association (LNLA), folks in this southern outer East Portland neighborhood at last had their turn.

With a list of “Unacceptable Items” in hand, it’s LNLA volunteer Mary Oxford.

“This is our Lents Bulky Waste Clean-up day,” affirmed LNLA volunteer Mary Oxford at the check-in gate.

“We’re seeing things like broken furniture and discarded mattresses coming in; all kinds of refuse that people would otherwise have to take to a dump,” Oxford told East Portland News.

Volunteers pitch into a drop box the trash brought in by another neighbor.

A total of 13 volunteers came out that morning to help unload vehicles and pitch the bulky waste into the drop boxes. At the same time, these helpers were also checking to make sure certain they didn’t unwittingly take forbidden items, like discarded remodeling or building materials, or any toxic liquid waste.

“It’s true, we welcome contributions to help support the volunteer projects run by the LNA, but we’re not turning anyone away who comes here this morning,” Oxford said.

These volunteers unload another truck full of refuse.

“We’re so glad to be offering this service again,” Oxford continued. “Doing this helps the people in the neighborhood to clean out their accumulated rubbish. And, at the same time, having a place like this to bring bulky waste discourages people from dumping it along streets and right-of-ways.”

To learn about upcoming Lents Neighborhood Livability Association activities, see their website’s Calendar page: CLICK HERE.

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