Lents businesses host ‘Beach Party’

A Beach Party in Lents Town Center? You bet!  See how the Lents Grown Business Association welcomed the ‘Dog Days of Summer’ …

If it looks like a party us underway here in the Lents Commons courtyard, you’re right! It’s a ‘Beach Party’ Friday noon-hour shindig.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

Instead of complaining about the hot weather, the Lents Grown Business Association (LGBA) decided to “turn lemons into lemonade” by hosting a “beach party” during the Friday, July 15, noon hour.

In the courtyard of Lents Commons, along SE Foster Road just west of 92nd Avenue, the LGBA staff and volunteer board members had set up a table stocked with sand pails and water bottles, chips, and eating utensils.

The “lifeguards” at “Lents Beach” front and center: They are Lents Grown Business Association District Manager Amy Hamdan, and President Nick Lee.

On a grill, sausages from famous Otto’s Sausage Kitchen sizzled, ready for enjoying.

“Welcome to our Dog Days of Summer Beach Party,” greeted LGBA President Nick Lee, owner of Studio Sign Company.

Enjoying their lunch at the beach party are Jessica Johnson and Alex Romero from the all-new Jackson’s Food Store at 82nd Avenue of Roses and Foster Road. “It’s big and beautiful; come in and see us!” Jessica says.

“We’re out here today, meeting with neighbors, business owners, and managers – and people who might want to join our business Association!” Lee told East Portland News.

“It seemed that serving hot dogs during the ‘Dog Days’ is a great metaphor,” remarked Lee. “And, as you can see, we’ve created beach theme with beach balls and other décor to help our guests envision spending their lunch hour here at ‘Lents Beach’. We did bring in some sand in a box, here, also!”

Volunteer sausage chef Dan Bouchante says he’s with Handcrafted PDX.

Guests drifted in and out, all enjoying the hospitality offered at this fun, idiosyncratic, LGBA event. As they noshed on hot dogs and chips, guests made new friends and greeted folks they knew.

“We believe that it’s important to have created our neighborhood business district, because it shows everyone that the Lents business community is united and working together to make things better for neighbors, residents, and employees,” explained Lee.

“When people come together, we help to make Lents safer, and more vibrant community,” Lee observed.

Volunteer Jad Hamdan, of NW Funding Group, serves a hot dog to Lents Neighborhood Association President Jessica Ward.

To find out how you can join, or learn about the Lents Grown Business Association, CLICK HERE.

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