Perhaps stealing an SUV, making a “Beer Run”, and eluding police, seemed like a great way to start the summer for these teens …
Police converge on a reportedly stolen car, trapped on a Montavilla side street.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
While patrolling the assigned area on June 17, an alert Portland Police Bureau (PPB) East Precinct District officer spotted a “rolling stolen” – police lingo for a reportedly-stolen vehicle driving in the Montavilla neighborhood.
That report, at 6:44 p.m., brought other units into the area. The SUV was heading west on SE Stark Street, according to the officer’s radio report.
Leaving their “colors” behind inside the SUV, the suspects scatter after police stop the vehicle.
With the sergeant’s input, officers quickly made plans for a “felony stop” – a strategy used in “high potential risk” situations.
The vehicle stopped for the officers when the driver saw he was trapped on SE 81st Avenue, between SE Stark and SE Washington Street. He and his associates bailed out and scattered in all directions, leaving the vehicle stopped crossways in the street.
PPB Traffic Division officer joins in the search for the suspects.
Because a gun was reportedly seen with one of the suspects, more units rolled into the area. Within minutes, 25 cars – including three K-9 Units – were searching the neighborhood for the suspects.
PPB Public Information Officer Sgt. Pete Simpson filled in the details.
“No gun was found,” Simpson said. “They were juveniles in a stolen car. One of the suspects is accused of stealing beer. They ran from the car, but were found and arrested in the neighborhood.”
An officer searches the reportedly stolen SUV, looking for evidence.
One of the arrested juveniles was charged with Unlawful Use of a Motor Vehicle, Simpson told East Portland News, the other with Theft in the Third Degree.
© 2015 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News