It’s election time – VOTE East Portland!

If you haven’t yet voted – it’s now probably too late to mail in your ballot to be counted on May 20, but you can still vote in this election – see where and when, right here …

It’s probably too late to mail your ballot! Take it to this secure, handy 24-hour ballot drop box at in the back of the parking lot of Midland Library, 805 S.E. 122nd Avenue, a block south of SE Stark Street.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Because all ballots, to be counted, must be received by 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 20 – postmarks don’t count – Multnomah County Elections Division’s spokesman Eric Sample advises, “Make sure your vote is, indeed, counted. Take your ballot to a secure drop-off site.”

Seen here with GABA Candidate Forum moderator Bruce McCain – will the next Multnomah County Chair be Jim Francesconi or Deborah Kafoury?  Outer East Portland voters could make this important decision. East Portland News archive image

Your vote matters
Many people say they feel that their vote doesn’t make any difference in these primary elections for City and County officials. But, your vote really does count.

Think about it: If every registered voter in outer East Portland cast their ballot – then mid-County voters would be the ones electing our next Portland City Commissioners and Multnomah County Chair – not someone living downtown or on the west side!

Even if a candidate doesn’t get the “50% plus one vote” to clinch the election – requiring a runoff election in the fall for their seat – the successful candidate in each race will have direct control of how millions of tax dollars, collected from you, will be spent.

For example, both Jim Francesconi and Deborah Kafoury are campaigning to become the Multnomah County Chair – and to take into their hands the purse strings of this regional governmental body.

> Read the full text of Kafoury/Francesconi debate
at the Gateway Area Business Association

that took place in March: CLICK HERE.

Should the control of the Portland Water Bureau new Powell Butte Reservoir II – and all of Portland’s water and sewer utility facilities – be put in the hands of an elected public utility district? East Portland News archive image

Some declare the Measure 26-156 is a battle of “Greed vs. Greed”.

A “yes” vote on Measure 26-156 willstop the (Portland) City Hall abuse of ratepayers and lower our water bills,” proponents say.

Opponents of the measure counter, saying that outer East Portland voters won’t participate in selecting the new public utility district’s board members – and accusing greedy, big business and their lobbyists of putting forward the ballot measure for their own gain.

This measure, alone, is a good enough reason to dig out your ballot and vote.

Seeking to stay in office, Portland City Commissioners Nick Fish and Dan Saltzman “hit the campaign trail” in outer East Portland.

Should two of the four current Portland City Commissioners be reelected
– or is it time for fresh faces to be take charge in City Hall?

Because their opponents are not widely known in outer East Portland, Portland City Commissioners Nick Fish and Dan Saltzman were not called to debate in their respective races.

However, Commissioner Nick Fish came to the Midway Business Association meeting in April to recount his public service merits and ask for votes, as well as to campaign against Measure 26-156, the public utility district referendum.

And, Commissioner Dan Saltzman ventured out in April to greet members and guests at the Parkrose Business Association and ask to be reelected.

These two races City Council races are even more reason to vote on or before May 20.

-5 Don’t mail your ballot, and hope your vote arrives in time to be counted! Deposit it a secure voting box, like the one at Midland Library.

Official drop-off sites
You could travel to the Multnomah County Elections Office on the north side of SE Belmont, between SE 10th Avenue and 11th Avenue, or south on SE 11th Avenue (on the east, or driver’s side). Or, make it easy – just drive to your local library instead.

“Unofficial” ballot drop off sites are at all Multnomah County libraries – available during their regular business hours. Official, 24-hour ballot drop sites are located at two mid-County library locations:

  • Midland Library – 805 SE 122nd Avenue
  • Gresham Library – 385 NW Miller Ave, Gresham


Ballot drop boxes are official and secure places for voters to deposit ballots for delivery to the Multnomah County Elections Division. Boxes will be emptied as needed, and then for the last time promptly at 8:00 p.m. on Election Night.

© 2014 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News

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