‘In Love with Lents’ series kicks off with ‘free market’

Here’s a look at the first of several ‘Fall in Love with Lents’ events, held in February …

In outer East Portland, in the Lents Masonic Hall parking lot, people come to the Really, Really Free Market.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

We hope you were able to participate in some of the several “Fall in Love with Lents” events in February, held near Valentines Day.

The first one was on February 11, and was called the Really, Really Free Market, held from 4 until 7 p.m. There, community members were encouraged to bring their unwanted items – clean, and in good condition; things that would be useful for their neighbors – to share with other visitors..

Grooving to the beats played by DJ Chaach is East Portland Collective Executive Director Sabina Urdes.

“This evening’s event was given this name, because at this particular ‘market’, there is no money, no trading, no bartering; everything is free, and anyone can participate,” explained one of the organizers, East Portland Collective Executive Director Sabina Urdes.

“We created these events this weekend because we wanted to shine a positive light at all the talented people and artists in Lents,” Urdes told East Portland News.

Lents neighbor Lindsay Haganen gets free books from Christie Quinn, President of Bookmobile Babe.

Throughout the evening folks come by, looking for treasures on the tables that they might give a new home.

“Specifically, the ‘Free Market’ is a way to do great community building,” Urdes remarked. “Here you meet neighbors, make new friends, find useful items to meet your needs – and, at the same time, recycle your good usable items!”

A stage at the Really, Really Free Market featured performances by Olive & Dingo, Baby LeStrange, Link, and DJ Chaach.

Check back to see our coverage of other “Fall in Love with Lents” events, including the Lents Neighborhood Clean Up, and the East PDX Art Fest – both of which were terrific successes.

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